Stand up for fairness.
Hello everyone
I hope you all are doing fine.I am born in a country where, if you don't have power or influence, you shouldn't have been born at all. I'm not using harsh words; I'm stating a fact. Just the other day, students surrounded a foreign embassy in a city like flies on honey. They all wanted to leave this country. Just imagine the situation or you can search on the web about it, it's all over the internet.

Image from pixaby
I understand why this happened, why they were compelled to act this way. The jobs meant for them were taken by wealthy people through power and influence. They were all at least MSc or PhD students, yet they were jobless because they had no connections, no references, no bribes to offer. This is the main cause of a country demise and our country is going into poor condition as the days are passing.
If you ask me if anything like this has ever happened to me in my life, and if it has, how I handled it, then yes, it can happen. How could anyone escape this cat-and-mouse game in this country? Here, every lion is accompanied by a hunter. The scenario i remember wasn't of some extreme level because i am still a student but i will share it here anyway because a little effort matters too.
One day, I was standing in line at the bank to pay my university fees. It was the beginning of the month, so the bank was unusually crowded, but what could I do? It was necessary. The bank staff did as they pleased because we were at their mercy. It was extremely hot, and the line was so long that it stretched outside the bank, and I was about halfway through it.

Image from pixaby
You can imagine how frustrated someone would be after waiting for so long. Suddenly, I saw a man walk straight to the counter to pay his fees, bypassing the entire line. This really bothered me, so without caring about anything, I loudly said, "Excuse me, who gave you permission to go straight to the counter and pay your fees without waiting in line?"
The man turned to me and asked, "Who are you to question me?" Clearly, he had some influence, which is why the counter staff were ready to process his payment. I again asked the staff that why are you doing this when you people clearly see that he came from just nowhere and here we are waiting in the line since morning. The guy on the counter said to me that he has some father or brother at good post. Hah! Just a normal thing.
But there were many people on my side. Hearing my voice, everyone started speaking up, asking why he was paying his fees without waiting in line. Seeing the situation, the bank manager himself came out and told the man to go back and stand in line. This is what i love, the democratic power in Pakistan, although it wasn't a big stage but still we were able to pull him off.
The man, glaring at me, either joined the line or left—I don't know. But a wave of peace washed over me. I was feeling like i conquered something. Not on a big mark but i know i can do things at my level, like i did today. I might be doing such things but i always pray that i shouldn't come across these situations after the degree as those will be the most serious moments of my life and every time i won't be having people on my side.
The only thing i would like to state in the end that never remain silent when you see something which is wrong. You will find support if you will try to make things right. I have experienced this not only at that moment but at several occasions when i tried and became hopeless but a sudden help arrived. If you will place a brick of a good deed someone, someday will complete the building of good deeds

Well, that's all from my side.

Haha 😂 I can't imagine how frustrated you would be that moment he walked pass the queue to collect money.
Well, it is either they must have bribed the cashier or they always tip them whenever they come because they I have experienced it before.
I don't know the reason behind it but for sure he had some influence over there. Good thing was that I managed to overcome the situation at the moment.
Thank you
These things happen in our country too dear friend. The youths have been oppressed and frustrated by the so called influential and powerful leaders in the country. Some of the young people here are also seeking ways to go to other countries to seek for greener pastures. I learned alot from this experience of yours friend, it's good to always fight for what is right.
I think it is happening in most of the underdeveloped countries nowadays. I don't know what they have in their future 💭
I also hate something like this. It's as if people would only move when there's a bribe or when someone in power influences them. It's as if you need to be a person with power just for people to be favoring you.
It is normal nowadays, you have power? Ok, you are great, you are poor? Oh please, get a side.
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