Rivers, as the Center of Life: My Collage for LMAC #209

lmac 209 gif.gif

Template by @shaka for LMAC #209
e3ky1U7 - Imgur.jpg


The Yellow River. The Indus River. The Nile. Tigris Euphrates. Most of us learned when we were school children about these river systems as centers of early civilization. Even after the developments in transportation and agriculture of the Industrial Revolution, people still clustered around rivers. The map below shows parts of the world as they existed in 1832.

world map Johnson, A. J. public.png
J.A. Johnson, Johnson's New Illustrated Atlas... Public domain.*

I grew up in a small community that came into existence along the Hudson River in the seventeenth century. First the Dutch, then the English made settlements by the river. How did they arrive at these settlements? They traveled from New York Harbor north, to the shores of the Hudson.

Henry Hudson was the very first European to make that journey, although he did not 'discover' the river. That distinction is given to Giovanni da Verrazzano. But before Hudson and Verrazzano, the river had been well used by Native Americans. As a matter of fact, I believe the road I lived on during my childhood followed the path of an early Native American trail.

Hudson River and My Childhood Home
hudson river and my home.png
Derived from a map by Ɱ. Public domain

Of the several rivers referenced on this page, the Hudson, at 315 miles, comes in as the shortest.

Waterfront, Hudson River, at Wappinger, NY, USA
boats wappinger ny usa Wapphist 4.0.jpg
Wapphist. CC 4.0 license

While rivers are used for transportation and facilitate commerce, they also are used for recreation. In the picture above, people are relaxing on the shore of the Hudson. Leisure boats float in the water. As you can see, the Hudson can offer some spectacular scenes. As a matter of fact, it inspired a group of painters which, collectively, was called 'The Hudson River School'.

Another historic river on another continent--the Danube--traverses ten European countries. This majestic river offers recreational opportunities to locals and to people from all over the world. It's hard to think of a river that has inspired more romantic notions than the Danube.The river is 1771 miles long.

Boating on the Danube in Romania
romania boating Cazaresulina 3.0.png
Cazaresulina. CC 3.0 license

Yet another river that has inspired legends, the Nile, has been called the longest river in the world, although this honor is disputed. It is, however, certainly the longest river in Africa. The Nile stretches for 4,100 miles, from the Mediterranean Sea to the shores of Lake Victoria. Along its path it passes through eleven countries. The Nile is used for commerce, transportation, agriculture and recreation. It's hard to imagine a river that has had more influence on the histories of Africa, Europe and the Middle East than the Nile.

Sightseeing Boat on the Nile, Aswan, Egypt
dancing on sightseeing boat, Nile, Aswan Gonzo Cat 2 4.0.jpg
Gonzo Cat2. CC 4.0

My Collage

For this week's collage I need to thank @muelli and @yaziris. The images they contributed to the LIL Gallery helped me to realize my idea. I also want to thank several contributors from Pixabay.

In addition to @shaka's template, these are the elements I used in my collage:




Personal picture

Personal picture

Air Balloon

Air Balloon

The collage started out rough :) Here's one of my first attempts. I was feeling around at this point with an approximate idea of where I wanted to go.

water for 209a process.jpg

Then this came:

water for 209f progress.png

Then, after many intermediate steps, this:

lmac 209h progress.png

I added the man on the balcony and the birds:

lmac 209j progress.png

After more intermediate steps, I added the balloons and the kayak:

lmac 209q progress.png

The gif took a few tries, but eventually I got everything in sync. I decided to end it with the man turning around and going indoors. A pictorial anecdote :)

lmac 209 gif progress.gif


LIL is not only a valuable image resource for the Hive community, but is also a way for community members to participate in LMAC. Anyone on Hive can contribute to the library and everyone can borrow from it. Learn about the procedure here.

Every week we offer prizes to fifteen finalists in the contest, but it's not only the prizes people create for. I, for example, don't compete but spend hours giving vent to my imagination. Others in the community have developed the habit of 'speaking' through collage.

This week's contest has concluded. But a new contest will begin on Thursday, with a brand new template. Please join in the fun.

As @shaka has said many times, everyone is an artist. I may not be an artist in the technical sense, but LMAC allows me to nurture my own unique artistic voice.

Thank you for reading. Peace and health to all.


A lovely collage as always.
Rivers are one of the most personal yet majestic bodies of water.
My aunt moved close to a river and I went to visit her just last week Sunday.
The view, the atmosphere and general feel of the environment is completely different.


Rivers are one of the most personal yet majestic bodies of water

Yes, they are beautiful. Unfortunately, people over the years have used them as sewers. The Hudson was polluted. I don't know if it still is. And recently a decommissioned nuclear power plant sued to allow its radioactive waster be dumped in the water. I guess they don't realize it's our river, not their river.

Thanks for stopping by, @seki1🌺


Ohhh the pollution is horrible.
The one my aunt moved near to was littered with dirt and plastics too.
Non-biodegradables floated at the edges making a sort of river bank.
It was appalling to see..
But the river itself was beautiful.


What kind of settlement was made for the river and what was it for?


I have run out of different ways to say Brilliant Collage:) Love the little fella on the balcony.


Thank you! Always a distracting exercise--cheaper than therapy😅

Little fella appreciates the compliment

man looking down agmoore small gif2.gif


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