Playing With Shapes: LMAC Freestyle

This is not a Christmas-themed collage. There is so much Christmas all around, what could I say that would add to the conversation? So I went in a completely different direction and followed my inclinations.

harp gif.gif

Vortex With Eye
vortex eye center gif2.gif

Disintegrating Vortex
vortex redux gif.gif

vortex eye gif.gif

Escaping the Wormhole
vortex lizard gif4.gif

Existing in Empty Spaces
spaces new gif.gif

LMAC has taken a brief holiday break. Our artists, however, continue to create 'freestyle' collages. Where does your imagination take you? Follow it. Have fun. You never know what you will end up with.

I started playing with an oval shape in the Paint program, and just kept playing. All the collages here began with a simple Paint oval.

paint oval.png

I shaded, shaped, pushed and manipulated until my ideas took shape.

I enlisted a broom from @yaziris (LIL Gallery), an iguana from @muelli (LIL Gallery), and an eye from @alex2alex (LIL Gallery). I also borrowed musical notes from MahuaSarkar on Pixabay.

For the Chimes and the Existing in Spaces collages I used the same basic template.


Again, the shapes in this template all began with a simple oval.

For the vortex collages, I used a vortex template I had created by adding ovals of different sizes and shading them:

In order to make the collages I had to experiment with many, many frames until in each case I achieved the effect I was going for.

When it came to the chimes, I knew I was looking for a percussion instrument that could be brushed gently (with a broom) to make music. The image evolved as I worked. Here's a picture of organ chimes.

Chimes Attached to a Cathedral Organ,in Iowa, USA
StRaphaelOrganChimes Jesster79~commonswiki 1.2.JPG
Credit:Jesster79-commonswiki. Used under CC 1.2 license.

While my collage doesn't look exactly like the chimes in the picture, the idea is close enough.

And here is an illustration of another idea that evolved for one of my collages: a wormhole.
Credit: Pixabay, via Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.
As an article from Scientific American explains, wormholes...act as "tunnels," connecting points in space-time... While my collage doesn't look exactly like a wormhole, it suggests one to me.

As for entropy. Here is a gif I found on Wikimedia Commons that shows the dynamic of entropy:
Credit:Jacopo Bertolotti. Public domain.
My collage represents the randomness, even chaos, of entropy. According to one definition, entropy is...the measure of the disorder of a system.

Sometimes I didn't have a clear idea of where I was going when I was making a collage, so had to toss many images.

Making these collages was an interesting exercise. I let my mind go where it wanted. In a sense, I let my hands guide me.

I hope you find the collages interesting.


The value of LIL in my efforts is obvious. Anyone on Hive can contribute to the library and everyone can borrow from it. Learn about the procedure here.

Every week we offer prizes to fifteen finalists in the contest, but it's not only the prizes people create for. Just as I spent hours giving free vent to my imagination for this blog, others in the community have developed the habit of 'speaking' through collage.

As @shaka has said many times, everyone is an artist. I may not be an artist in the technical sense, but LMAC allows me to nurture my own unique artistic voice.

When the contest resumes in January, join us. Or, better yet, create a freestyle and participate in the fun now.

Thank you for reading. Peace and health to all.


I learnt about LMAC already but I don’t know about Lil yet
Thanks for sharing and I’d make my research too
The pictures look good


How jolly Christmassy! Those festive chimes and spinning Christmas tree bauble ... very merry;).


spinning Christmas tree bauble


Nothing like a little entropy and disintegrating vortex to inspire that Christmas feeling😁


Thank you for making the research and experimenting and sharing it with us


This is the benefit of events, people do their favorite things because they have a holiday and meet their friends, meet their relatives and enjoy their life once again. All these designs are very beautiful.


LMAC Is new to me, didn't know about this!


These are very interesting and a bit trippy.

Existing in Empty Spaces caught my eye the most because it appears to be an optical illusion of various magnitudes. The varying size of the lines give depth and shape on a two dimensional plane, and (what's that green thing, a lizard?) the object which appears to go between the line spaces may not actually go between them at all, but behind them entirely.

I had to blow this thing up and stare at it in different ways and am still not entirely sure if the green thing is moving in and out of the line spaces, but I'm convinced it's entirely behind the line spaces.


Yes, it is a bit trippy, and I think not to the taste of everyone, but I really had fun making these. I just played with that oval for a couple of days.

I'm glad you like the Existing in Empty Spaces. You kind of get it. And yes, that is a lizard.

Thanks so much for the comment. Nice to have a little appreciation for my weird 'art'.

Have a most wonderful weekend, @futuremind
