Twist and Turn of Promised Unfulfilled


Synopsis: In the heartfelt story of Ayla's life takes an unexpected twist when she meets a captivating stranger on a rainy day with sunshine. As their bond grows, a shocking revelation emerges. Ayla's illness causes her to see things that aren't real, and the boy she loves exists only in her imagination. This touching tale explores the strength of hope, the pain of unfulfilled promises, and the courage it takes to confront the truth.

It was a sunshower day when I first saw him. I never expected to encounter someone who could momentarily halt the world around me. As he gazed into my eyes, a surge of electricity coursed through my body, leaving me unable to blink. Everything came to a standstill, except for the beating of my heart, which thundered in my chest.

The day before, I woke up feeling incredibly ill. My temperature soared, and my body weakened. Every step felt like I was floating, despite the pain coursing through me. Concerned, my family rushed me to the hospital. In the car, I noticed an odd phenomenon—a simultaneous rain shower and a shining sun. Confused but unwell, I brushed it off.

Arriving at the hospital, I paused for a moment and locked eyes with a guy standing in front of me. He was tall with fair skin, brown curly hair, and dazzling eyes. There was something about him that captivated me. For no apparent reason, my heart started pounding, and for a brief moment, the raindrops stopped. It wasn't the weather; it was the electric connection I felt. His charm radiated, just like the sun shining through the rain on that gloomy day.

As I waited in the hospital's waiting area, I couldn't resist stealing glances at him. After my check-up, the doctor prescribed medication for my cold, and we headed home. The medicine helped, but it was the memory of the cute guy that truly made me feel better.

Days turned into weeks, and to my surprise, I saw him again. While out biking, I spotted him beneath the Acacia tree. I parked my bike and approached him, amazed at the coincidence.

The electric connection was back! I decided not to let this opportunity slip away. "Hi!" he exclaimed, recognizing me from the hospital. My heart skipped a beat; he remembered me! It wasn't a dream! We engaged in conversation, and I discovered he was drawn to the beauty of the place, just as I was, especially the Acacia tree.

We sat beneath its branches, exchanging stories about the wonders surrounding us. The brightness of the sun that day mirrored the light he brought into my life. Silently, I wished he could see how much brighter my days became when he was around.

But like all good things, our encounter was cut short. His mother approached, signaling his departure. He bid me farewell and almost reached their car when I impulsively shouted, "Will you come back here tomorrow?" He replied with a promise, "Of course!" I eagerly exclaimed, "Promise!" And he echoed, "I promise."

The next morning, I woke up early, finished my breakfast hastily, and hurried to the Acacia tree where we had met. I believed with all my heart that he would keep his promise. I waited patiently, hour after hour, but he never showed up. Night fell, and I convinced myself that he must have been busy or caught up in something important.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. Still, I faithfully waited, hoping he would return. Rain or shine, I remained beneath the Acacia tree, clinging to the possibility that he might come back.

People regarded me as crazy, ridiculous, and foolish. Perhaps they were right—that I was waiting for someone whose name I didn't even know. It may sound amusing, but for me, I think am deeply in love with him.

Yet, oblivious to the truth and to my disbelief, it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

I was suffering from a severe disease that caused vivid hallucinations. The boy, the encounters, the promises—they were all just part of my imaginations. Reality shattered around me, leaving me to misery with the harsh truth that my love story was a creation of my own mind. The revelation struck like a lightning bolt that electrified my whole being.

As the realization sank in, I understood why people asked me who I was talking to that day. They had seen me talking to empty air, unaware that I was lost in my own world of illusions. The smiles and laughter were simply a facade, masking the pain I carried within. I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss and emptiness.

Still, I carried on, forever haunted by the memory of a love that was never meant to be. The boy who once brought sunshine to my world turned out to be a figment of my imagination, a product of my own mind. The Acacia tree, once a symbol of hope, now stood as a reminder of the illusions I had created.

Days blurred together as I struggled to differentiate between reality and the dreams that consumed me. I longed for closure, for an end to the story that had left me hanging. But no matter how hard I tried to let go, the lingering hope remained, refusing to fade away.
