This topic makes me laugh. I know from time immemorial that there is no one who tastes Honey or sugar and spits it out. Why would any one want to cap riches at a certain level? Let the rich become richer.
Provided it is nothing illegal, enjoy your blessings when they come. Many of us have been there, my family tasted hardship while I was growing up, we lived in want and saw how Mother struggled to take care of five children while still sponsoring Daddy in the University.
After School, I know how many people suffer doing menial jobs just to put food on their table. I too toiled and trekked the city of Lagos marketing products that if I didn't meet the target, there would be no pay for me. Even now, many of us still pursue our dreams and career, losing sleep just to make ends meet. If I become rich, please there shouldn't be an elastic limit where it can not go further. 🙏🙏 😄😄😄
Let everyone who has laboured be blessed with riches that has no end. That in no way limits the poor from stepping up the ladder to greatness. Let everyone working hard see good and such good if well managed and sustained should transcend to generations upon generations. No maximum limit should be placed on earnings.
Some we say, are born with golden spoon while some others with rubber spoon. It will be unfair to place a bench mark on riches, especially if not ill-gotten. Those who have experienced hardship, when they become rich, I wish it continues for a life time. Let them eat with the golden spoon they never had 😄
Rather than setting the peak wealth ratio of a rich individual, the individual should be allowed to create jobs for the poor so they can rise.
The wealthy can donate funds to charity and even care for the aged who are dependant due to health conditions or retirement.
Recently, I saw a man of almost 65 years of age. He was discussing with another old man and reminded him not to fail to attend his Landlady's burial. I was pained that a 65year old man can still be living in a rented apartment. Such ones may not have children who are rich enough to come to his aid or he too may not be educated even to have worked in a good establishment where he would access loans at least or be paid gratuity. The rich in the society can take his case up and care for his needs. How would that be possible if the rich man knows that he is already at a point where he can not make money any further? It is not unreasonable to fear falling back to poverty at that point.
The rich can grant scholarships or sponsor the poor in the society. They can also help them in skills acquisition where they can learn how to improve their lives
With their experience, they can educate and mentor the poor, coaching them on how to take advantage of opportunities and grow their income.
These measurements can bring about reduced inequality, economic growth, good health, reduction in crime rate and before long, the poor will escape the poverty trap and enjoy life.
Summarily, even when there are down times in business, any who has made it to the rich cadre with a huge net worth should not be capped. Let him be allowed to grind more riches by breaking new grounds provided he allows the poor breath and help to alleviate their poverty.
This is my response to @hive-learners prompt for week 128 edition 2.
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Posted Using InLeo Alpha
You are definitely right, let people expand their boundaries as they like. Those private investors are the ones helping the poor not the government, so no law should limit them please
No law should limit them when they finally make it to wealth. They have suffered enough 😄. Thanks for stopping by
Yes oooo, let them enjoy their money anyhow
I very much agree with you, I will be brief: the rich must ensure that the living conditions of the society or neighborhood where they live are improved, at the very least.
Yes, they can help in every way possible. However it also depends on the community. Some may help without the community know he or she is the one, else even their entire village would come and get their share. Haha. Thanks for stopping by
My dear, I have been working hard, having sleepless nights, doing difficult task just to be rich... and when I attain a certain height, I will still yield for more.. for a mote better limitations biko .. 😃
I have been admiring the rich...I can't taste such sugar and spit it out. Let's encourage hardwork biko without limitations
Very well said. Thanks for alluding to my opinion. We can't suffer to make it and begin to hear that there is a limit the wealth can get 😃. Let it grow like grass provided it is legit, we are not proud and we are helping to the poor. Thanks Nneoma for the visit
Enjoy your riches while they come, I love this thing you just said cause that's all we have to do, no one should place any limitation on the amount of money people should earn.
Everyone should be entitled to any amount of money they desire to earn as long as it is legal.
Yes, as long as it is legal. Thanks for reading and visiting
I guess that was right and that was part of my write up too. I can't suffer and now enjoy after which I would have a limit to the money I'm having. God will forbid that. My money will be nonstop if I have the opportunity to make it in abundance.
Exactly my Sister. Our money will grow like grass, non stop. Provided we earn genuinely, let's enjoy it indefinitely 😃