Click clack, click clack, thud-thud sound from heels and shoes is what mostly greats you on a typical working day. In my line of work the next you'd hear is; "thank you", medaase, akpe, oyi wala don! - (all meaning thank you) among others, echoes throughout the operations floor.

Grey, red, black, white, blue, turquoise, peach, and more are the blend and shade of colors you would feast your eyes on.

What does the above even mean? That, is a true depiction of diversity in everything. The working environment is made up of people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, each individual exhibiting a different type of character.

I'd use my organization as a typical example, the company houses hundreds of staff ranging from locals to foreigners. We have people speaking languages such as French, Spanish, Wolof, and a few more. Some of the local dialects also included. These differences in culture come with tons of varieties and behavioral displays and more.

The only possible means of achieving positive attitude in such an environment is to cultivate the act of tolerance, and by this all forms of diversities are to be embraced and adjusted to.

Why the need for tolerance in a work environment?

It promotes peace at work:
One of tolerance key note is accepting the fact that, your opinions, culture and values varies from others. It is up to you as an individual to acknowledge and embrace diversity by cultivating an openness
of mind to appreciate opinions from others. This promotes peace at the work environment.

Tolerance also builds teamwork:
Every established organization whatsoever has its own set of goals that employees are expected to work towards. Building upon an already established project or, helping with the growth of a project, is not an activity borne by an individual. Each and every individual it concerns is to contribute his or her quota towards the success and achievement of it. This is only possible through tolerance as each individual has to adjust himself or herself to value opinions from others, solidifying teamwork in it's wake.

It promotes effective communication for decision making:
Although every work establishment is governed by its own set of rules and regulations, it doesn't promote autocracy which can impact productivity negatively. Employees are able to voice out their concerns, make suggestions and raise ideas through effective communication, without the fear of not being tolerated.
Management tend to take into consideration pointers raised by their staff.
These ideas are looked into, considerations factored and finally a decision is made.

The workplace can only thrive with tolerance. With it, adjustment are made, other opinions are considered. Also, mutual respect coexist as people from diverse backgrounds come together to work towards a common goal; organization's success.

Tolerance at work is worth the practice.


Humans tend to take advantage of everything, the question is how long can you keep tolerating things just to keep peace?


True you have a point there, but it's necessary to be tolerant so as not to fuel negative flow at your place of work. That being said, in cases where people become overbearing, you can have a dialogue to resolve issues amicably. Or, you can involve your immediate supervisors when needed.


I’ve heard many stories where intolerance made employees unable to voice out their concerns
It’s good to have tolerance reigning at a workplace…it’ll easily ensure productivity and foster peace


There can't be team work when there is no tolerance, and if there no team work, the won't be productivity. It just highlights how important tolerance really is.
