
I am no scientist but I do understand some basic science concepts. Let's take hormones for instance, hormones serve as messenger molecules that sends messages through the blood to various parts of the body. The body depends on these signals to know what to do and when to do it.

The world has evolved so much so that, it is possible through science, to imitate hormone through steroids. Steroids are needful for the treatment of some health underlying conditions under the supervision of a health professional.

Anabolic steroids however, are mostly used as performance-enhancing drugs used to improve physical performance and help to develop the body. Unfortunately these are mostly abused and pose treats to users.

Is it fair for anabolic to be banned for athletes? Yes. Aside from it being considered as cheating in sports as it enhances performance, there is the threat bit it poses to health. Abuse of such "boosters" can cause serious health problems like high blood pressure, heart diseases, liver damage, cancer and even stroke.

_Makeup is a beauty enhancement procedure aimed at exaggerating ones look to a near perfection.

Is it needful for models to make up? Yes!!! Let me take a little detour on this.When it comes to marketing strategies, to win is to sell your product well. Branding your product in a more presentable way aids in promoting the very commodity you deal in.

Many businesses hit bottom rock due to failure to package their brands well to make it more presentable to lure potential customers. Presentation matters.

On a different note, many roadside food vendors and chopbar operators tend to be undermined compared to well structured restaurants. why? Because most roadside food vendors and chopbar operators give a very bad presentation that look like a sure-ticket to health risk. Selling at the edge of open gutters, dirty surroundings, flies flying over food here and there, among many others are unhygienic upfront. In most cases, their food tastes the best! but poor presentation affects thier credibility, whiles a well set up restaurant gets the glory. Most expensive restaurant foods are even tasteless but, they are more appealing because of packaging, branding and presentation. Presentation is key.

That is how make up is in the modelling world. Models are brand influencers and ambassadors, they are either showcasing a new clothing line, advertising cosmetics, promoting a product and doing all the things models do. You have to package yourself to look more attractive other than basic.

As a model, you have to capture the attention of a ur audience and maintain it, that way they connect with you to want to know more about you brand or the brand you represent. Failure to win your audience attention to want to know more means, you are not doing good enough. Models are already beautiful but they have to look extraordinary and that's where Make up comes in, to enhances their looks to give them a more striking front. Also it boosts ones confidence in the beauty industry.

Photoshop which also aims at embellishing beauty, together with Make up are both packaging strategies for a better presentation to audience. Is it a work of art; it is a brand and it enhances beauty.(Make up should be used responsibly, it is to enhance and not change ones identity.)


I so much agree that models have to capture their audience’s attention and also maintain it.
And a lot goes in to that process because you’re supposed to present yourself in a certain way that fits a particular criteria hence the use of beauty enhance tools.


Models ought to use makeup in their line of work, for the photoshoots and the likes but i feel when they come home to their normal lives the fakeness should go away, a lot of ladies make makeup their daily routine and i feel that is quite bad



True. Makeup is to enhance ones look when an occasion demands for it. But if u make it an addiction, it's bad because that would mean you want to change your identity.


These are beautiful to witness at every Ghanaian marriage ceremony. Beauty is all around you, guys. Thanks for this, dear @adjapomah-i
