Web3 is here to Revolutionized and Empower Content Creators to Take Control of Their Digital Age


We have been using internet for a while now but nothing has impressive like the digital landscape Web 3 offered us. Web3 is here to revolutionized, likewise change many things about the way individual interact with internet. Unlike before that internet is just a place you don't have to visit regularly, a place where it full of bunch of information that are not even relevant to us. But with the advent of blockchain technology everything about internet changed, people are finding interest in using internet time to time.


There was a saying that, if you want a tree to be climb, you need to put a bag of money on the top do many people will volunteer to go there. That is exactly what advent of blockchain brings to us. Blockchain technology bring an exciting innovation of Web3 for individuals to grow through the internet, infact this really changed the way individual think about money and other things. But before I delve in the exciting offer of Web 3 to we content creators I will first go into the principle of what is Web 3?. I believe Web3 is not new to majority of us here on Hive blockchain, because Hive itself is real definition of Web3, so if I want to say anything about Web 3 maybe I just want to add to existing discussion or point my own views on Web3.

Principle of Web3

We have centralized Web which we all knows as Web 1, 2, but the difference between Web2 and the new Web call Web3 is the decentralization. Web 3 is decentralized web which aim is to shift power from centralized entities that take all control over our data and give it back to individual to have fully control of their data. Everyone familiar with traditional web that users have to rely on the web hosting, control from the owners and all authority come from the social media platform, but all these have to be an old things with Web 3, because each user will have ownership and over 75% control of their data, content and assets. This is the key principle that made everyone to embraced it, "Decentralized" means authority and power are share equally across the network, and it's more transparent.

However, let jumped to the exciting things about Web3, things possible here on web3 but can't be find elsewhere.

One of the most exciting aspects of it is monetization, I don't think I have to explain much about that too, but for the benefits of those that will be reading from other Web2 social media and want to be part of this exciting offer. If you are content creators it is time for you to take the opportunity given by Web3 especially Hive to take control of your digital creation and help yourself monetize on decentralized manner.

Unlike traditional platform, they take large cut of the profit and also dictate power to users, but with the rise of decentralized platform like Hive, content creators now have that opportunity to directly monetize on the internet without any middleman or any platform take portion of their earning. It also offer revenue sharing for content or digital creation that can be serve as stream of income for some.

For me, I am really excited to be part of it, because this shift is really empowering individual to grow financially and pave a way for individual in digital economy which is a great thing to us. The truth many of us dont know is that Web 3 will revolutionize our working place, and we have already seeing people leaving 9-5 jobs for Web3 work and my believe is that it going to build a way people will monetize through content creation and engage with their audience, and also find a new work environment that suit them.

Hive as Web 3 platform, there are many things that make it standout, for the decentralized marketplaces and good peer-to-peer networks that eliminate the need for a central authority and democratizing access to content is here on Hive. Aside that, it create a very optimal investment options for content creators to reach their goals with vibrant community that can help them to grow. So the future of content creation in the Web3 will hold immense potential and will reshape financial life of many.

Best regards @Adeyemi12
