The gap in between


Hello my lovely hive community, hope you are enjoying your day.


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I don't know if anyone here has felt that the current life they are leading is not what they wanted? This is a common feeling in people in their 30s, 40s, in fact this feeling is very common in today's youth. We young people felt that there is a gap between the life we want and the life we currently live, honestly most of us never know that this gap is a combination of some things that are necessary to live our lives to the fullest, but most of us don't.

Have you ever felt like there is a gap between the life you want and the life you are currently living? It's a common feeling, but what many people don't realize is that filling this gap often requires a combination of three things: mindset, focus, and consistency.

Everyone comes to this world by default, but to grow and close the gap in life that we want, it has to do with our personal decision and the way we perceive the world around us, and this is where our mindset, focus and consistency are important to achieving our goals.

If we look at this from our mindset, it is a powerful tool that helps us align with what we want. For example, a positive mindset leads to positive thinking about what you want, but if you have a negative mindset, there is no way to achieve your dreams without filling the gap in between. A negative mindset means you're setting yourself up for failure, and that's exactly what most of us are dealing with right now.

When we are in some situations for so long, we think negativity, on the other hand our negative thinking then brings us back to act of not pursue the life we want or make our dream come true.

Focus is another key factor in achieving the life you want. Honestly, it's easy to get distracted by all the things going on in the world. The economic situations, standard of living, job change and salaries invaluable, these can make one lose focus on their goals and if you are not focused there is no way to progress. Concentrate on what you intend, only then will you be overwhelmed and progress faster.

The way I know my family isn't financially stable and I want to fill the gap, but if I don't focus on what I should be doing, which means I'm just deceiving myself.

Consistency is the final piece of this puzzle. It is not enough to have a positive mindset and a clear focus if you are not consistent in your actions, you will never reach the edge of success. Showing small steps every day means a lot to your goals even if you feel exhausted.

Consistency makes your goals a priority and allows you to take action to achieve them, no matter how small the steps are, over time these small steps will contribute to your success and also help you bridge the gap between the life you want, and the life that you are living at the moment.

Successful men cultivate a positive mindset, they stayed focused on their goals and take their consistency so seriously. So my beautiful people start taking action that will lead you to progress and success in life.


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