Speaking Nonsense with confidence


Project defense is a crucial steps for everyone that want to graduate in high institution I see it as testing of student ability on a project carried out before issue a certificate, although not all departments do project defense but if you're in some department like engineering you can't escape a project defense and design.


However, the day of my project defense was the day that I learned that speaking nonsense with confidence is a skill that not everyone has mastered. I came in late to defense hall because my writeup is not well organized, and because i was late i spent few minutes at the door before the lecturers allow me to enter. Honestly my brain was not settle, i don't sleep overnight i had put in countless hours of hard work into my project writeup.

A minute after I was allowed into the hall, the supervisor don't even want my brain to settle i was called for my project defense. As i stood in front of the lecturer and the whole class, I know I'm going to mess up if follow previous students style of reading from their Slide, but I also knew that i had a tendency to speak without thinking even though i dont look at my project slides.

I started off strong, with a well-prepared introduction that I had practiced countless times in front of my mirror. But as I delved deeper into the details of my project, I could see the confusion on my lecturer's face. I was talking about things that made no sense to anyone, not even myself. The lecture ask me to use my slide but i told him I don't want to do, because i will get confused of what i need to deliver on the project. Hahaha 🤣 who is deceiving who.....

I kept going, speaking nonsense with confidence, hoping that somehow it would all come together in the end. As I reached the end of my presentation and while trying to wrap everything up, I get eyes contact with my supervisor I saw he don't have any ideas of what I'm saying, I saw that bewildered look on his face. I know myself they're confused but to me I know I am saying something real about the project though it might be differ from the scope but I know I am right.

He asked me to clarify some of the points and explanation I made about the project use case, but I couldn't even understand what I had said earlier that made him ask that question. I say in my mind that “see this man, I was trying to explain smart sensor he's asking me smart in cameras”. I stumbled around, trying to explain my thought process, but it just made things worse, because I said smart sensor in camera is that box that indicates whenever camera sense different face on camera. I think I'm right nah 😂

After replies to his question the lecturer stopped me and said, "You know what? You're speaking nonsense with confidence, and I have to give you credit for that. I don't think I've ever seen anyone do that before." At first my eyes were open because I didn't know how to take his comment. Was he complimenting me or insulting me? 🤔

Honestly I am speechless that time of his comment I dont know how to acknowledge the comments, I was using side cheek smiling and frank at the same time. He then continued, which I thought he will say something bad after that. But to my surprise, He said "You may not have made any good point or sense, but you did it with such conviction that I almost believed all what you say.

I heard the voice coming low from the back, "Yes the guy is outspoken".

The lecturer then continued again, " You have a talent for speaking confidently, even when you have no idea what you're talking about. That's a rare skill, my friend." The second lecteurer add his own comment that, "Project defense is not about accuracy, it's how you can convinced us on what we dont know, not that you come here in front reading everything from your book or slides".

Still smiling low-key afterall I say something that win the lecturer's heart even I was told my dressing look like a garage chairman... What an insult!

I wont forget such a day, because after the whole thing that day I have a feeling of mix emotions. On one hand, I was glad that my lecturer had recognized my talent for speaking nonsense with confidence. On the other hand, I see myself not put much enough energy and feel a little embarrassed that my project defense had turned into a comedy routine.

Looking back on what happenes that day, I realize that it was a valuable lesson for me and anyone. Confidence is important, but so is clarity and coherence. It's important to speak with conviction, but don't just contribute something that doesn't make sense like me.lol

Honestly, I learned that sometimes it's better to say something with confidence than admit you don't knows. But hey, at least I got a good laugh out of it.

Thank You For Reading always!
