How to Negotiate Better Deals and Save Money on Purchases


When talking about buying of goods no one will talk less about demand and supply, i will say the word negotiation come from demand and supply if you still remember the law of demand. The law of demand say, the higher the price the lower the quantity of commodities demanded, that is when a price of a particular goods is high customers purchasing power will be low and that is where negotiate come from.

Negotiations take a big significant impact on our finances and help to beat the price of goods down for our own benefits and to increase our purchasing power, even serve as a savings tools for some people. No doubt negotiate is a valuable skills that everyone need to thrive in this economy condition where everyone looking for a way to have over profit on their business, infact people are not more considering selling good at high cost because they also eant to thrive and have a good profit.


Honestly, whether, buying a cars, foods, house or any things negotiation is a good skills that will help to control our finances eith expenses, it will help to put in practice of saving for later use, for instance the goods ypu supposed to buy at $10 it you negotiate and buy at $7 you'll have money left that will be spare on savings. But before entering into a negotiation, everyone momust know that we must have information about the product or service we are interest in to buy, this knowledge is ehat will help to have a strong negotiation with the person selling because you already know the on and out of the product.

But some people still find it difficult to negotiate market, those find it difficult should understand that market price always flaunting and if you get your goods at the same price it been mentioned to you, it going to cause you buy things that doesn't worth at high price. Therefore established your objectives by determine the price you are going to get your product, and likewise aim for win-win solutions for. I remember one strategy we always make use then anytime i follow my mom to market.

I learned from her that she always willing to walk away as if she had another alternative whenever the terms are not favorable to her. She always demonstrate that attitude infront of the seller as someone who is not desperate to make the purchase, or someone who have alternative. Sincerely we all need to learn how to walk away when negotiation if doesn't work, and even look for opportunity before

Negotiating better, deals and saving money on purchases is a good skill that everyone need right now, because nowadays people putting much interest on market because of higher profit. Yet beat the price of goods down can help individual thrive financial and still have some for savings.

Take the different strategy and negotiate the market

Best regards @Adeyemi12
