Exploring the Real Causes of Poverty In Our Society


Everyone has different factors that they think it's the one that attributes poverty in our society, but to me poverty is a complex issue that affect millions of people all over the world. It can be assuming that laziness, lack of education or ambition, individual choice are what likely causes poverty, no denied but the reality is that poverty have different myths that surrounds what cause it.


I believe no one will like to be a friend with poverty, but I don't understand why it been says that poverty is solely the results of personal choices, does that means there are some set of people that wish to be poor or want to live a misery life. The common factor I think is the one that contribute to poverty is economical problem like, access to resources, lack of opportunities, limited education, but the most is economic inequality. All of these are factors that making it challenging for individuals and families to break the chain of poverty. However, when it comes to understand the causes of poverty in today's society I see laziness as the most factors that contribute to it, honestly we should all forget the fact that wealth and most of resources are concentrated in the hands of a few. And the few that wealth are concentrated in their hands create a bad impression in the society, and that create a system in which opportunity are for less people results in cycle of poverty and anyone that belong to the bottom now struggle to break from the barriers.

Poverty can be caused by individual choice sometimes, in sense that individual might not put much effort to break the cycle of poverty and that will quickly reflect on their lifestyle. Obviously when you don't put much effort in creating a financial means for yourself there is no how you'll break the cycle. In other way I will say lack of resources is not an excuse in what causes poverty, although it contribute to it, but when there is no resources, individually we can create a world for ourselves that will help us to combat poverty without anyone's resources.

There is no point in people saying they don't have a helper that is why they are poor, it is crucial to debunk the myth, many people who are rich today no one help them, in that aspect if you don't put much effort to break the cycle waiting for someone's help I will consider it as individual choices. Yes it's your choice to be stay in poverty. Some even said, limited access to quality education is also causes of poverty, but I don't think so, even if that contribute to poverty it will be limited. Education is not what makes people to be successful now anymore, more people who are not educated are successful even more than those that have access to quality education. Poverty is complex issue in the society that we cant point at what exactly is the causes, but the real fact is that poor people are always responsible for their poverty, they always admit they are poor instead of finding their way out, though all fingers can not be equal, and all things can't be equally. However we should all be aware if you're born poor and die poor the mistake is yours, if you don't work towards implementing effective solutions to address poverty root you'll forever be in the cycle.

More effort, dedication and hard work is what can break the cycle of poverty, poverty is a big disease, born poor was not my biggest fear in this world, my biggest fear is dieing poor and that is why i have been putting some work lately to break the cycle, build a sustainable financial system for me and my families. Lack of motivation, lack or resources and limited access to quality education can only contribute to poverty but the choice is yours.

Thanks For Reading

Best Regards @adeyemi12


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