Today Bro Daniel made us understand the act of doing good, what to expect and how to deal with it the way God wanted.
"2 Timothy 3:15. and you remember that ever since you were a child, you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus."
As Christian our justification should be from Jesus Christ, God want us to be justified and this can only happen when we believe in him and do his will. If we want to be Gods children we must follow the lifestyle Jesus Christ set for us which is in the Bible. God want us to live right to follow his commandments and make our life attract people to God's kingdom.
"Psalm 109:4-5 They oppose me, even though I love them and have prayed for them.5. They pay me back evil for good and hatred for love."
"Ephesians 6:8. Remember that the Lord will reward each of us, whether slave or free, for the good work we do."
God want us to always do good even to people that are not of the household of faith, he want to render help willing without looking at what they will used to pay us back. The way Christian thinks is different from the way and unbeliever thinks so we should not always expect good back when we do good sometimes people will repay us with evil and not even appreciate the labour we put in for their sake God did not want us to be disturbed about it or let it shake our faith.
"Ephesians 2:10. God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do."
"Isaiah 1:19. If you will only obey me, you will eat the good things the land produces."
Following and obeying God commandments should be our priority and focus. God has promised a reward for every good things we do, we should not bother about the reward we will gain form it God reward is the one that will last and God know best how to reward us.
Join us tomorrow by 12pm Nigeria time to hear the word of God.