Why are you crying?



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Crying is a natural emotional reaction to circumstances around us. These circumstances range from negative to positive. When we face physical assaults from the demonic world beyond our capacity, tears begin to flow, especially from people. Body pains or other discomforts can make women weep. Sometimes people weep when others offend, disappoint or disgrace them. At times, we weep because we are cheated, maltreated or slighted. It is not uncommon to see the tears flow in self-pity when people are corrected, disciplined or rebuked.

The bereaved commonly shed tears as an expression of grief, so also are different issues that cause agony or pain in the soul. Examples are delays in finding fulfilment in life, getting a life partner or bringing forth children. When things we had expected would bring us joy turn the other way, we find ourselves shedding tears. If for instance, you have married a man of your choice because you love him and thought he loved you, but afterwards discovered that you find it difficult to put up with so many things about him, you could be moved to shed tears.

Man is made up of the spirit, soul and body. He is a spirit, possessing a soul and living in a body. We relate to our external environment or the outside world with the body. However, with the soul, we relate to ourselves and other humans. The soul houses our emotions, mind, intellect and will.
Weeping comes from the soulish realm, most of our tears are unnecessary, they are merely the result of allowing our emotions to rule our spirit. Sometimes our tears are tears of self-pity.

All the challenges we face, whether financial, physical, emotional, marital, child-rearing or bearing, are not a problem to our God. He already has made promises and provisions for us to overcome them. We just need to come to Christ and receive the key to obtain victory over all. The first and basic thing to do to stop these tears is to acknowledge Christ as your saviour and lord. This is fundamental to your experiencing God's intervention continuously, in your marriage, becoming a child of God through faith in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, gives you the right. Jesus said that healing and deliverance belong to the children. Religion cannot guarantee this right of the children of God.


If you stay outside Christ, in religion, you will continue to beg and plea for God's goodness. Then, you can only eat, according to the words of Jesus, "crumbs meant for the dogs( not the real menu).
There are more problems you will have to encounter and without Christ, you can never live a victorious life, in this life or world. You need to receive Christ in repentance before you can enjoy the right of being His child. As our children grow with us. They will pick some habits from us. Every choice we make and everything we do, whether the children are there or not, must reflect the nature and life of Christ. That is the kind of life they imbibe that will not lead to their destruction. When we insult our spouse, quarrel, cheat or tell lies in our marriage, we are destroying our children. If we are stingy, ill-mannered, easily provoked, irritable, uncaring and unfaithful, we will contaminate our children. Anything short of the life of Christ would make us eventually weep over our children. Jesus must be the lord over our entire life if we would be able to help our children live to fulfill their destinies and put an end to unnecessary weeping.
Weeping is never an option, but embrace Christ who is the burden bearer.
