A body full of rubble.


"Man is born free, responsible and without excuses."
Jean Pal Sartre.

Today has not been a very productive morning, I was able to finish doing some things at work and decided to leave before noon because the truth is that I couldn't even hold my head.

Most of the time when I fall into a crisis I think about negative things, it could be normal, right?
And all those inquisitive questions and reasoning begin:

  • If it is something bad, how are you going to face it?

  • Could it be the pancreas,or the liver?

  • I didn't remember this symptom, is it something new now?

  • Calm down, it will pass.

  • Don't go out like that, it can give you a vagal crisis.

  • Nothing happens, everything is fine, after two days eating porridge the inflammation will go down and you will smile again.

  • Stop the fucking drama.


"Ultrasound of my pain"

For many years I did stupid things with my stomach, I did not take care of it as I should and it took its toll in such a way that I am still regretting it, at this point, anything drinkable or edible must go through a highly verifiable selection filter so that alterations do not occur in my digestive mucous membranes, which hurt a lot.

Yes, the slightest thing I eat has to be evaluated, and that bothers me.

Maybe I didn't pay much attention because the arguments were not very convincing or strong, and taste always prevailed over reason, and although I was not a spoiled girl who always acted under her immature and foolish reasons, I think, after a long time I found the origin of my former unwillingness to control my bad eating habits.

I was born in a very humble home, and although we had no problems with basic foods, sweets and delicious things were rationed a lot, because more than one family lived in the same home and we had to share and divide so that there was enough for everyone.

So I don't remember having digestive problems as a child until my parents and I moved to our own apartment. There began the second part of my life and the beginning of the problems.

Obviously everything delicious prioritized my tastes, and my parents with the best of their will wanted to give their daughter everything that until then was regulated by a shared pantry, but access to a greater quantity was a time bomb.

Young people and children inherit and develop their own tastes, but parents must stubbornly manage what they choose and consume, plus what can affect their blood sugar, their growth and their health in general.


"Cause - effect"

Talking to a co-worker, she tells me that her daughter has had a serious thyroid problem since she was born, and that for this reason she has had to strictly watch all of her food, designing her meals by exact amounts, including her snacks, because otherwise she will become in an obese person with serious endocrine problems.
I am a particular witness to this and up to her current age, fourteen years old, the success of her nutritional treatment has been so rigorous that the young woman maintains a perfect mental and physical development that could have been affected if it were not well controlled and regulated.

Then the maxim is fulfilled that if a person has the conscious will to face a problem in a reflective way, it will positively influence his or her lifestyle.

It is a matter of life and death to be responsible for our habits and decisions.

Unfortunately, I also have witnessed deaths caused by the very owners of their bodies.
I have seen how a person gradually justifies their evils through "their needs", which shows that they do not have or want to change their will or their conscience about the situation,and destiny of his life.

The first thing that a person who wants to change a bad habit that is harming his life must assume is to be honest with himself and recognize that he has a problem that is salvageable and that it will be like this ONLY IF HE HIMSELF IS ABLE TO DO IT.

All change depends on oneself.

As children we are unconscious beings, and it is normal not to understand what the world, life, is about, so the regulatory and guiding role is played firstly by the family and secondly by the society where we live through a healthy, clean and transparent education.

Do you know the price of marketing campaigns that promote sweets and chocolates?

The world itself is a market that moves, transforms and romanticizes all the fat and sugar that caramelize your arteries so irreversibly that one day you will wake up with the firm desire to start a new healing exercise routine, and it will be so late that you will only end up with a myocardial infarction.


There is always tomorrow

The choice is definitely ours, and for that we can make use of our beautiful freedom by being able to choose between filling our bodies with extraordinarily healthy energy cycles or simply letting them wither from the excesses of our selfishness.

I chose to live

Always very grateful for your reading.

The text is entirely my own
All photos are my property
Using the Lightroom application, free version.
Using the application Foto Blender , free version.
Translation done with Deep Translate, free version.

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y que más da ser preciosamente imperfectos...png


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Yes, it is our decision and the changes in habits depend on us, but a strong and disciplined mind is required, and being immune to the temptations that come from the ads and society. How are you, did you get better?


That's right friend, I totally agree with you.

Yes, I immediately start a diet and notice the improvement...the problem for me is not falling into the temptations of sweets and candy, but, that any other condition that involves taking medication also triggers gastritis medication, and then it becomes one cycle after another.....

We just need to learn to live with the body's expiration dates...😅

Thanks for stopping by and may you get better fast too.



Hi Adaluna, I'm sorry to read that you are going through that moment, I understand you perfectly. It is difficult not to think about the worst, but with discipline and effort you will get out of this crisis, positive energy!

I am celiac, I was diagnosed at 37 years old after a long time of suffering and going from doctor to doctor...it was an odyssey. The only thing that can be done in my disease is a zero gluten diet..... can you imagine doing that in Cuba???? Well, I've been doing it for almost 10 years now. It has been very difficult, but you can .... with a lot of discipline, there is no other way. A big hug


The most prudent thing to do to live with all these ailments is not to lose discipline and not to let ourselves be seduced by what we like, that should be very clear...the problem becomes more acute when you have another pathology and need to take other medications to counteract them, then there is the stomach reproaching you that I knew that this could happen....de madre....😅
But right away diet and damage control Omeprazole save me.

I'm sorry for what you tell me, and I understand that yes, it is quite difficult in our country to live with such special diseases like that...I don't know how you will be dealing with it, but I know that when we set our minds to it nothing is impossible in our own way.

They used to give them support, today they don't give them any, I know that.

Thank you for stopping by, I send you lots of positive energy and my best wishes that life will be more bearable for everyone.



...the problem becomes more acute when you have another pathology and need to take other medications to counteract them

Eso complica muchas cosas 😔.

We still have some "help". There is a small bakery that makes a few products with gluten-free flour....is a peace of mind.

Espero que mejores muy pronto, buenas noches.


Es tarde, pero bajo una tormenta que se aleja te respondo.
Me alegra muchísimo que tengan ese apoyo, es complicado en estos momentos estar al tanto de una salud delicada y de necesitar medicamentos...algo para respirar dentro de tantas cosas...



My fritnd, I am very sorry about your situation, I have also had to go to the doctor for this type of problem, and of course I have had to change my diet and lifestyle, that is the only way to get better. Aloe vera is very good for the stomach, it improved me a lot, I hardly feel anything in my stomach thanks to this plant. It is our decision to take care of ourselves. Best regards and get well soon. Happy night.


Hola, gracias @mariolisrnaranjo , creo que lo he probado todo todo, y tienes razón, el aloe es muy bueno, el romerillo también.

Por suerte ya voy mejorando y la tormenta me trae un poco de paz y relajación dentro de casa, eso también me ayuda, no caminar y estar quieta.

Creo que tenemos el estómago lleno de cicatrices, pero hay que cuidarlo muchísimo y no abusar aunque creamos que estamos bien....gracias por tu buenos ánimos, lo valoro mucho.

Excelente noche para tí.




I am very sorry for this. But you have a willingness to deal with it and I'm confident you will succeed.
You also have the intelligence to look for alternatives. Natural medicine? Maybe?
I know it's difficult but the will is essential. I gave up smoking many months ago and it seemed impossible because at the slightest stress I needed a cigarette. Today I get stressed and I write in Hive. 😃
My friend... I don't know what to tell you. May you be strong and my wishes for you to get better.


I have been suffering from my Inflammatory Bowel Disease for 5 or 6 years. The doctors pointed to stress as a possible cause. They may be right, because around that time I experienced an event that kept me under stress for many months.

I consider myself a person with fairly healthy eating habits. My eldest son, who likes to eat everything that hurts, throws it in my face, because he says that eating healthy was worthless.

The list of what is forbidden in my diet is so long that I'd better not tell you about it.

Sometimes, very few times, I broke some rules, but still without excesses.

I understand you, my friend.🌷


My friend @leopard0 , I understand you.

Dealing with it is a matter of strength and discipline, even my coworkers watch over me and watch over me during some activities, as they have had several scares with me.

The family has to be aware also because they are the ones who are by our side, of course, the most controlled ones should be ourselves.

The drama goes away as soon as I get better, but it is quite difficult to survive the crisis mentally...

Let's just take care of ourselves.

It is our life.

