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Welcome back to throw back Thursday. For this week I will be sharing with the house what I saw when we went for our educational visit to our mother campus ABU ZARIA, NIGERIA.

I titled my throw back for today to be - Say no to Jungle Justice. I do believe in justice been served in every situation but not jungle justice.

I'm sharing from what I saw in the grotto in the campus. Lots of things there that could bring back the memories of our African parents, their looks, their dress, their jewelries, what type of car was in used back then and who they really are. I'm very proud of Africa background and there are so many things to learn from the past.

One of the major reason I want to share this with us today is to discourage what we call jungle justice. We have had so many people killed for the crime they know nothing about because of jungle justice. I believe that when people commit a crime they should be made to face the law. People should stop taking the laws into their hands and making innocent people suffer for what they know nothing about. Why I said so is because we have seen cases where innocent people are been killed and at the end we will still discover that they never committed the crime they were been accused of.

In summary, I am not also in support of people commiting crime and moving away without been punished. They should be made to serve the punishment for the crime they committed if found guilty. Let's stop jungle justice because it is not good for our society.

Thanks for coming around. I will love to hear from you concerning what you want: Do you support jungle justice or not? Drop your comments in the comment section. Do have a great weekend ahead. Love you all. 💕

All the images belongs to me. I took them personally with my own phone.

Spanish 👇

Bienvenidos de nuevo para recordar el jueves. Para esta semana compartiré con la casa lo que vi cuando fuimos a nuestra visita educativa a nuestro campus madre ABU ZARIA, NIGERIA.

Titulé mi lanzamiento de hoy como: Di no a Jungle Justice. Creo en que se haga justicia en todas las situaciones, pero no en la justicia en la jungla. Les comparto lo que vi en la gruta del campus. Hay muchas cosas allí que podrían traernos recuerdos de nuestros padres africanos, su apariencia, su vestimenta, sus joyas, qué tipo de automóvil se usaba en ese entonces y quiénes son realmente. Estoy muy orgulloso de mi origen africano y hay muchas cosas que aprender del pasado. Una de las principales razones por las que quiero compartir esto con nosotros hoy es para desalentar lo que llamamos justicia en la jungla. Hemos matado a tanta gente por crímenes del que no saben nada debido a la justicia de la jungla. Creo que cuando la gente comete un delito se le debe hacer comparecer ante la ley. La gente debería dejar de tomarse la justicia por su mano y hacer sufrir a personas inocentes por algo de lo que no saben nada. Lo dije porque hemos visto casos en los que personas inocentes han sido asesinadas y al final descubriremos que nunca cometieron el crimen del que fueron acusados. En resumen, tampoco estoy a favor de que la gente cometa delitos y se vaya sin ser castigada. Se les debe obligar a cumplir el castigo por el delito que cometieron si son declarados culpables. Detengamos la justicia en la selva porque no es buena para nuestra sociedad. Gracias por venir. Me encantaría saber de usted lo que quiere: ¿Apoya la justicia en la jungla o no? Deje sus comentarios en la sección de comentarios. Que tengas un gran fin de semana por delante. Los amo a todos. 💕

Todas las imágenes me pertenecen. Los tomé personalmente con mi propio teléfono.

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Thanks for sharing with us. It's a good reflection


Thanks boss. You should come next week Thursday and share some good memories with ua


Such an amazing educational vist, that's what I always love 💕
Thanks for sharing


Wow, this is definitely a place I would like to visit. These works of art have a lot of history and meaning, and I like the sense of pride in your origins it causes in you. Thank you for sharing these images in the community and giving everyone a glimpse into your culture and country...


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