Hive-reachout/ Inleo initiative 13. MY PASSION IS THE FUEL FOR MY PURPOSE.

Hello great people in this community. This is another week in our community and we have here with us a very lovely topic that says - Purpose and Passion. In life there must be purpose and Passion in what ever we do. I believe that is going to be the reason for any success in this life.

This is hive-reachout/ inleo initiative week 13. I see the topic as a way of re- candling my purpose in life. Because there could be a time in ones life that we can actually forget our purpose in life and begin to pursue other things that does not matter to us. Sometimes it is caused by influence of peers on us. And so many other reasons for that. I started asking myself what is my purpose in this life. What do I want to achieve in life?

I see purpose as a car while passion as the engine oil and fuel that is needed to move the car. We know that cars are very important in life because it makes life alot easier for us. Lots of people who don't have cars pray every day to get just one even though if is the smallest or cheapest, they don't mind. But as small as the engine oil and fuel is, the car can not move if they are not there. That is how it is when we have just our purpose in life, but no passion to help carry it out.

Passion can help us fulfill our purpose in life. When the passion is there, even when everyone seems not to see what you are seeing, or they don't understand with you. When the passion is there one can carry on without looking back.

I want to share a little story of what my passion did for me when I misunderstood by people around me because of my purpose in life.
I came from a home when there is no educated people. Almost every one is an illiterate. Starting from primary school you will notice that every will begin to show no interest in school and all of a sudden that person will just drop out. I did same too and dropped out from my jss one. But when I got married I kept having this dream of how I become educated and became very wealthy. I first lost hope of going to school because I already had children. But when the dream persisted I decided to further my education. At that point I had alot of people who stood against it including my in-laws. What they said got to m husband who had formally accepted that I should continue and he started to withdraw his support and made it a little difficult for me. At this point it was just me and my passion against the world. I stood my ground and continued and today I have every one to my side. Everyone has seen the importance of my education now because it puts food on the table for the family.

Today we are celebrating. What if I had no passion for it? I would have stopped as soon as everyone started talking against it. But my passion for it kept holding me and encouraging me. Here we are today. I'm just two weeks from now I will be a degree holder, with so many other certificate that I have obtained from other schools. All thanks to God who gave me such passion for education.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congrats on completing your degree and a big shoutout to not giveup on your passion.
