Accepting myself for whom I am and working on my weaknesses.


Humans are never perfect from the day one. This is the very reason why we have lots of issues that we struggle with every day. Most times we struggle and come out of one just to discover that it has lead us into a bigger challenge that we don't know how to come out of it. The only thing that we should be concerned with about our weak point is to see how to improve on them and not how to shy away from them.

When I was smaller, I use to be so afraid of making mistakes before people. I always want to be perfect, but even in that I still fail. Just by mere thinking of how to become perfect is helping me do the very wrong things that I never wanted to do. So, as I kept growing I discovered that I was trying to run away from myself all along. I can't really fight that battle because is bigger than me myself. How can I fight against who I am? This is an impossible task to accomplish. I never did succeeded. I kept going over the same mistake that I say no to yesterday.

WHAT IS THE WAY OUT? ( Measures)
. Accept who you are: The truth remains that I am not God that will be perfect. I have my wrongs. Sometimes it even offend others and I just keep apologizing and none stop. But I told myself that this is who I am. I can't change a thing here. I can only make adjustments where I can. I can only chance what is changeable and accept what is unchangeable. It is only when you think of the impossible from yourself that you will always be disappointed by yourself and others. But expect little from yourself. Keep pushing forward to see a better version of yourself

. Always try to forgive yourself: You know that sometimes you fall even yourself. At that point we become so diversitated that we can hardly forgive ourselves. But this is the one way I know to get healed easily when we fall. Accept it that you have failed and forgive yourself.

. Keep striving: Some people get discouraged when they fail and they never want to try again. Don't give up on yourself. When you fall because you are not a god but an ordinary human being. Don't let the weak point in you put you down forever. Be strong even though not for another person, but just for yourself.

. Don't let others define who you are: People can be very funny, they will forget their own weakness and focus on another person's weakness. If you hear what they say about others, you will think that they don't have their own weaknesses. That is what we need to bear at the back of our mind. I saw a write up somewhere and I quote " I know that I am not perfect, but I hope you will know my worth" From the very day that I saw this quote it became an encouraging words Though not perfect but still have my worth. When these words run through my mind I don't allow people to tell me who I am. I just talk to myself and pick up my life and keep moving ahead.

With what I have written above I can get myself encouraged and never allow my weak points to bring me down. I have also noticed that those weak points are meant to keep me from moving. Every time I look at myself and all the mistakes that I have made I will just keep blaming myself and cry out my eyes. But since I started using these words to encourage myself I don't allow it to bring me down again.

Finally, we are all humans like I said earlier. We can be perfect and never make mistakes. Mistakes must come and when they occur it is only because of our weak points as humans. We need to keep looking up to our creator who knows that we are humans and can fix us even when we misfire.

The image used in this post belongs to me.


NO worries, no one is perfect, we tend to do mistakes and they are a part of life, the good thing is we learn from those mistakes and never repeat them.
