Kaiju No. 8/ The protagonist who earned his team's respect



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Taking advantage of the time available and also the fact that I have turned my husband into another anime lover, I have been looking for options to watch, but sometimes there are so many that you have to decide on something and already, or you will spend half a day just choosing, a few days ago I leaned towards something after having seen other movies and anime related to the theme of the Kaijus.

Kaiju No. 8

The anime focuses on Japan, which is very often attacked by creatures called Kaijus, to the point that special forces have been created to defend against the appearance of these creatures, this is the glamorous part, the heroes and then there are those who could be called the cleanup crew, known as Monster Sweeper.



In this cleaning corps works our protagonist, Kafka Hibino a man of over 30 years who has tried a lot of opportunities to enter the Defense Corps, but is always failed, the intention is, in addition to fighting against the Kaiju, fulfill the promise he made to his childhood friend Mina Ashiro, who is now an outstanding captain, but by failing so many times he has given up, until Reno Ichikawa joins the Monster Sweeper and everything changes, because he encourages him and after they both manage to survive the attack of a residual kaiju, he discovers that his new friend Kafka has become a kaiju.

Now, the truth is that this anime surprised me, because I thought I would be facing something more dramatic, an anime full of epic battles, something more serious and it turns out that although we do have many battles, there is also a lot of humor in the middle of everything and the least expected moments, which is lovely, because it makes you laugh with the witticisms and actions of certain characters.



Something I also liked about the anime is that there are Kaijus of different sizes, until now I had only seen huge ones in movies and other anime, here we are presented with smaller ones and even as in the case of the main character they can look like humans until they decide to show their other side, also that the special type Kaijus are numbered according to their appearance and that is why our protagonist was called Kaiji No. 8, also the appearance after a kaiju of the so-called residual kaiju, which sometimes appear at the least expected moments, among other situations that are changing around these creatures as this first season progresses.

This anime is not the typical one in which the protagonist is an outstanding and perfect fighter, on the contrary, he is a mess, chubby and weak, and must fight against his perception of himself and the one that his companions have about him, because they see him as an old man for being over 30 years old, and a weakling who has nothing to contribute, but having a great empathy, teamwork and a great knowledge of the kaiju for his years as a worker of Monster Sweeper, he manages to win the affection and trust of his entire group.



Some things, as in all anime, make us noise and will be clarified throughout the seasons. For example, why did the Kaiju that transformed him say it had found him, does he have something special and that's why they looked for him to transform him, how is it that he manages to stay human and his Kaiju side does not dominate his being, what makes him so strong as a Kaiju, what makes him so strong as a Kaiju?

As for the animation is not the typical one in which we usually see the characters and outlined with features in which the Asian beauty ideals are sought, rather they are more like children's animation (rounded) and highlight some expressions, characteristics and features in the characters in a more natural way.

Finally, after the end of this first season I am anxious to know what the second season will bring, obviously there is the possibility of looking for the manga or YouTube summaries, which are often desperate depending on who narrates them, but already in July we will have the second season available, as you know you can watch this anime in online anime pages or in the streaming platform Crunchyroll.


Aprovechando el tiempo disponible y también el que he convertido a mi esposo en otro amante del anime, he buscado opciones para ver, pero a veces son tantas que hay que decidirse por algo y ya, o pasaras medio día solo eligiendo, hace unos días me incline por algo luego de haber visto otras películas y animes relacionadas con el tema de los Kaijus.

Kaiju Nº 8

El anime se centra en Japón, el cual es atacado muy a menudo por criaturas llamadas Kaijus, al punto de que se han creado fuerzas especiales para defenderse ante la aparición de estas criaturas, esta es la parte glamorosa, los héroes y luego están los que podríamos llamar el equipo de limpieza, conocidos como Monster Sweeper

En este cuerpo de limpieza labora nuestro protagonista, Kafka Hibino un hombre de más de 30 años que ha intentado una gran cantidad de oportunidades ingresar al Cuerpo de Defensa, pero siempre es reprobado, la intensión es, además de luchar contra los Kaiju, cumplir la promesa que hizo a su amiga de la infancia Mina Ashiro, quien ahora es una destacada capitana, pero al reprobar tantas veces se ha dado por vencido, hasta que Reno Ichikawa se une a los Monster Sweeper y todo cambia, pues le anima y luego de que ambos logran sobrevivir al ataque de un kaiju residual, descubre que su nuevo amigo Kafka se ha convertido en un kaiju.

Ahora bien, la verdad este anime me sorprendió, pues creí que estaría ante algo más dramático, un anime lleno de batallas épicas, algo más serio y resulta que aunque si tenemos muchas batallas, hay también un montón de humor en medio de todo y los momentos menos esperados, lo que es encantador, pues te hace reír con las ocurrencias y acciones de ciertos personajes.

Algo que también me gusto del anime es que hay Kaijus de diferentes tamaños hasta ahora solo había visto en películas y otros animes unos enormes, acá nos presentan unos más chicos e incluso como en caso del protagonista pueden verse como humanos hasta que deciden dejar ver su otro lado, también que los Kaijus de tipo especial son numerados de acuerdo a su aparición y por ello a nuestro protagonista se le llamó Kaiji Nº 8, también el que aparezcan luego de un kaiju los llamados kaijus residuales, que surgen a veces en los momentos menos esperados, entre otras situaciones que van cambiando en torno a estas criaturas a medida que esta primera temporada va avanzando.

Este anime no es el típico en el que el protagonista es un destacado y perfecto combatiente, por el contrario, es un desastre, rellenito y débil, y debe luchar contra su percepción sí mismo y la que sus compañeros tienen acerca de él, porque lo ven como un viejo por tener más de 30 años, y un debilucho que no tiene nada que aportar, pero al tener una gran empatía, trabajar en equipo y un gran conocimiento de los kaijus por sus años como trabajador de Monster Sweeper, logra ir ganándose el cariño y la confianza de su grupo entero.

Algunas cosas, como en todo anime, nos hacen ruido y se irán aclarando a lo largo de sus temporadas. Por ejemplo, ¿por qué el Kaiju que lo transformó dijo que lo había encontrado?, ¿Tendrá algo especial y por eso lo buscaron para transformarlo?, ¿Cómo es que él logra mantenerse como humano y su lado de Kaiju no domina su ser?, ¿Qué lo hace tan fuerte como Kaiju?

En cuanto a la animación no es la típica en la que solemos ver a los personajes y perfilados con rasgos en los que se busca los ideales de belleza asiáticos, más bien son más digamos que tipo animación infantil (redondeados) y destacan algunas expresiones, características y rasgos en los personajes de manera un poco más natural.

Ya para terminar, luego del final de esta primera temporada estoy ansiosa por saber que nos traerá la segunda, obviamente existe la posibilidad de buscar el manga o los resúmenes de YouTube, que muchas veces son desesperantes dependiendo de quien los narre, pero ya en julio tenderemos disponible la segunda temporada, como saben pueden ver este anime en páginas de anime online o en la plataforma streaming Crunchyroll.

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Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards!


A pleasure for me to share anime content in this community. Greetings, I hope to be back soon.


The contrast between the battles and the unexpected humor is brilliant. And Kafka, what a character! I love that he's not your typical protagonist. Great review!


Exactly, that's one of the things that catches Kafka's way of being is witty, sincere, not spiteful and always wants to support. And the constant humor in the anime, even when there are big battles relaxes the tension between moments, plus sometimes it appears, as I mentioned, at the least expected moment.


Hello friend, nice to meet you for what. Really, as you say, for those of us who are anime fans, it is sometimes very difficult to decide on a specific one considering there are so many to see. It's great that you have your husband's company so you can share the experiences. If you're an anime fan, he should be one too so he can accompany you, haha. You give us a good review of this anime that you saw, I definitely think I will put it on my list to watch. Greetings, beautiful. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
