Where Now?...

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Yesterday, I got the chance to talk for a few minutes with an old couple from Israel. They were waiting for a neighboring boat to take them on a tour, and while waiting to board, they asked me a few details about the trip. I was happy to answer them.

I also had a few questions of my own about Israel and the war in Palestine. The first thing that came to mind was whether civilians were allowed to carry guns in public. I’d seen recently that since the war started, civilians have been openly carrying firearms.

I kind of get it... After going through an experience like what happened last October, as a country, it must be hard to trust Muslims anymore. Anyone could be a terrorist... But Israel isn’t the only country with a terrorism problem. If Germans had the same right to own weapons as Americans, I believe the situation with immigrants randomly stabbing people might look different.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I believe that if mentally stable people were allowed to own guns, we’d live in a more peaceful world. I know it sounds odd, but if everyone has them, who’s going to threaten who? When only a small minority has access to weapons and uses them occasionally, that minority can become a real problem.

What’s funny, though, is that just a few hours after I spoke with the couple from Israel, I saw news pop up on Twitter about Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. Apparently, they were using pagers to communicate to avoid having their conversations intercepted, but they got a taste of their own medicine.

The damn gadgets exploded in their pockets. It seems they bought them from Taiwan a while back, but how the hell Israel managed to detonate them is beyond me. Hospitals quickly filled up with terrorists suffering from explosion-related wounds.

It really makes me wonder: what level of technological advancement are the Israelis at?

I’m not picking sides here. I’m not particularly a fan of Jews, but when you think about it, these fanatic Islamists are way worse. Who would have imagined a few years ago that people would be openly stabbing others on the streets in 2024?

It’s so barbaric. My take is that these so-called terrorists are being used by the NWO fanatics to seize more power and leave us with less freedom, all in the name of protecting us from potential threats like terrorist attacks.

We’ve already seen that happening in the UK... Anyway, if anyone has an idea of how these pagers could be remotely detonated, share it with us.

Thanks for your attention,
