"They don't really care about us"

Bitcoin emerged as a realization of Friedrich Hayek's vision for a form of money beyond the control of government and central bankers, available for anyone to use "anonymously" in a peer-to-peer decentralized manner. In its early stages, it embodied this concept.

Ross Ulbricht is bearing the consequences for enabling transactions of various goods (some deemed illegal by the US government) using Bitcoin. While his actions hold no relevance to me, the US government aimed to deliver a message by imprisoning Ulbricht, effectively curtailing a manifestation of Hayek's vision.

In this election year of 2024, candidates inundate voters with idealistic promises of bettering our nations. However, these pledges amount to little more than falsehoods, as the sole revolutionary change capable of vastly improving the world involves dismantling the banking establishment. There exists no alternative route.

The zealous protection by state guardians against alternative forms of currency, beyond traditional cash, underscores the immense influence wielded by the banking cartel. In my perspective, Ulbricht's actions were not criminal, nor were the activities of the individuals behind Samurai Wallet, a privacy-centric wallet, until recently.


In a society purportedly striving for health and prosperity, curtailing freedom in transactions and inhibiting exploration of diverse payment methods represents a misguided step. However, it begs the question: does society truly desire our freedom, health, or intelligence? No, society seeks compliance and a proficiency in bureaucratic tasks.

Who, indeed, possesses the authority to dictate whether I may use a digital currency to purchase cocaine? My body belongs to me, and thus, I alone should determine its contents. Similarly, my money—regardless of its form—remains under my jurisdiction, granting me the exclusive right to decide when, what, and how I spend it.

International authorities collaborated to shut down Samourai Wallet and arrested its two founders on April 24 after the US Department of Justice (DOJ) filed criminal charges against the privacy wallet over allegations of facilitating money laundering.

Samourai’s website currently displays a seizure notice that notes Icelandic law enforcement, Portugal police, IRS, DOJ, FBI, and Europol were involved in the seizures of Samourai’s web servers and domain, with one agent noting that the project is “now closed for business.”

I personally abstain from drugs and have no intention of using wallets like Samourai, but I uphold the freedom of choice for individuals to utilize these tools. While animals may require control and culling at times to prevent chaos, humans possess consciousness and merit treatment as such.

However, the state's actions liken us to animals, dictating what it deems suitable for consumption (often inundating us with sugar and unhealthy fats), while simultaneously restricting access to free currency. Their aversion to free money correlates with a desire to suppress freedom. This is the crux of the issue.

If they truly desired freedom, they wouldn't cling so fiercely to their devalued currencies. Their preference for exposure to Bitcoin via ETFs over platforms like Binance, or advocating for the digital dollar over anonymous coins enabling global transactions, underscores this point.

If the state genuinely cared for our well-being, they would regulate the abundance of unhealthy foods lining supermarket shelves rather than impeding our access to free commerce. It brings to mind Michael Jackson's lyrics: "They don't really care about us."

Thanks for your attention,


Succinctly put 👏
They don't care about improving the welfare of citizens, their main concern is being able to control them.
