The Shield


Fuck Ursula von Der Lyen, Klaus Schwab and Joe Biden!!!

You can name a few others in the comments section if you want, because I bet all of us have a few political leaders on our radar that we literally can't stand. The ones that I hate the most are those who have enforced the draconian COVID measures, including vaccines.

Said it once and will say it again: the plandemic was an IQ test.

Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said Thursday that many officials who tried to warn the public about potential problems with COVID-19 vaccines were pressured into silence and that it’s high time to admit that there were “significant” side effects that made people sick.


I am not surprised, not at all, and you didn't have to be a genius or a healthcare professional to realize something is fucked up with the vaccines. If they didn't care so much about injecting us with these substances, they wouldn't make them free. They even made them compulsory in some cases!

During the pandemic, it became crystal clear to anyone paying attention that the elites exist, that the elite behind all governments works solely for money and power, and that we are nothing more than numbers on a screen to them.

How many Americans do you think agree with their country sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine in military aid, funds that somehow end up in the pockets of large American corporations for a war that will have no resolution? I bet the answer is very few...

The war came like a charm, or better said, it was provoked right when the pandemic could no longer be sustained, giving us our next global threat. For years now, the elites have somehow managed to find something to keep us in constant fear.

However, the war in Ukraine will end if Trump or Kennedy gets elected as President of the United States. I would love to see Kennedy in the White House, but I don't think he has enough supporters. Moreover, his team is probably not into stealing votes like Biden's...

Imagine that we are in the year 2024 and the greatest nation of them all still has ballot voting and manually counts votes... Somehow, the IRS can find out if you mishandled your income filings, but they can't set up a voting system on a blockchain to ensure fair elections.

Anyway, the cherry on top of the series of frustrations I've decided to pour into this little shitty piece of content comes from Ursula von der Leyen, who should be held responsible for buying vaccines for the EU worth billions... That bitch should be in jail, but instead, she is advocating for some democracy-protecting shield that the EU is working on for "the free internet."

What these fuckers are working on is some sort of AI (personal assumption) that will help the elites clean up the virtual space of the EU so they can brainwash the masses without any hiccups. This way, we'll have a continent full of gay, fat, lazy, and obedient fuckers in less than a decade.

I am totally against that. I support freedom of speech no matter how hateful it is, and I cannot appreciate Hive more during these times. The elites are desperately trying to get on track with their great reset, and I wish them all death and sorrow for that. Fuck them!

Thanks for your attention,


we'll have a continent full of gay, fat, lazy, and obedient fuckers in less than a decade.

Um, well, I think that train has well and truly left the station!
In my entire circle, I know 3 people who didn't comply with the COVID nonsense..... and two of those are my siblings.
