The Church Serves Its Founder
I wonder if humans have ever, in our entire history, lived on this planet without believing in anything — any sort of god, deity, or force of nature, and so on and so forth. It feels like we are born with this quest or desperate reliance on a higher self to figure stuff out for us.
I am not a religious person, I am not an agnostic, and I am not an atheist either. I just reject anything religion-related and will continue to do so until my last day on earth. As the title of this post says, "the church serves its founders."
It is incredible how diversified and popular religion is and how much it has penetrated the world. Almost any religion in existence is founded based on some teachings that some so-called holy man, such as Jesus, Buddha, and others, have at some point spread among people.
None of these iconic characters ever founded a religion or had the intention to do so because such a thing would not have served their purpose in any way. The teachings of Jesus and Buddha are pretty simple and straightforward; even a ten-year-old can comprehend them. But religions had to be made on top of these teachings.
Why? Some would ask... Well, to me, it is pretty simple. In order to gain control over the masses, you need to keep them in fear — fear of hell, sins, not doing the right thing, not being in God's grace, and so on. They even wrote a bible for that because the Bible is not written by Jesus.
The whole book is about him, but he didn't write a line in that thing, which makes me wonder: how much of what is written there has any intrinsic value and has actually been said at some point by the man himself? We don't know for sure. We can use common sense and logic to figure out what might have been said by a man oriented towards helping humanity and whatnot.
I doubt that anyone who wishes to free humanity and see it thrive and live in wealth and abundance would ever teach his followers to be fearful. Fear is a killer. It can kill your dreams, your health, and your overall wealth. So why the heck would you fear God (a loving higher self) so much?
That goes beyond my understanding. Unless some folks with a plan of keeping the masses under control invent all sorts of stuff in the name of God to keep the masses in constant fear and obedience. Then all of this shitshow called religion makes so much sense.
I am religious when it comes to working out, though. I am lagging behind my goals a bit, but every time I get there, pumping iron feels like I am going to church, close to God. Maybe this is the path... Being fearful of eating junk food, living a sedentary life, and not reaching your full potential... What do you say about such a religion?
I love it...
Thanks for your attention,
Jesus was not just another teacher, He came to show us the way. Just as you rightly say we are born with the yearning for the supernatural. That means something is missing - God. Jesus came to show us the way to God.
We are all God.
The Bible was not written to put fear in the minds of people. There’s a difference between fear and reverence.
In the Old Testament, the people of Israel were to fear God. So afraid of him that they could not even mention his name as they would be struck dead since they are so unholy and God hates the sight of sin. However after Chris’s death on the cross and his resurrection, he as a mediator between God and man, destroyed the barrier in the relationship between God and man so that instead of living in constant of committing sin and being struck dead or even not being able to mention his holy name, Jesus brought about a new commandment that is based on love.
This commandment which is based on love simply describes God’s love for us and invites us to partake in his love too. He only gave two commandments which actually summarizes the entire Ten Commandments from the Old Testament, “Love the lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus did not teach that we should be so fearful of God but rather that we should reference him and his holy name.
God himself is love. and based on your own human relationships with everybody around you even your family, would you want them to fear you, always being afraid of your sight and presence and name, or rather love you with all their hearts as you love them too?. Humans are actually so predictable and fallible that if one of our family or friends hurts us or does something against us, there’s a high chance we will discard them, stay in malice with them for almost till death bearing insane grudges against. Yet daily,every single day we continue to offend the lord God, committing atrocities against him despite his consistent mercy and blessings on us. Yet again despite all we do he continues to show his love and mercy upon us whenever we turn back to him because of his immense love for us.
To show his love for us, the greatest gift he ever gave us was his son to come and die for the salvation of humanity. So I’ll end by saying that you do not need a priest, pastor or anybody to come tell you to believe in God and repent because for me, believing and loving God is a personal encounter and a subjective experience with him. A priest or pastor can only advice or counsel on how to go about it but in reality, it is all about you and God in a tight and personal relationship and the only way to do that is to open your heart and not stiff or close it against him that he may show you his grace and mercy
Priest and pastors serve their purposes.
Explain what purpose that is