Romania - The Open Wound of Europe


Most of you probably know about Europe, and some of you might have even visited at least one European country. Others here live in Europe. I happen to live in Romania—an ex-communist country. They say we had a revolution in 1989, but in reality, it was nothing but a coup.

All they did was kill the communist leader, Nicolae Ceaușescu, create the illusion that we had somehow become a democratic country, and install a puppet system controlled by Soros. This system was made up of the same high-ranking communist elites, now repackaged, and for the past 35 years, they’ve drained this country of every bit of life it had.

In over three decades, the ruling class has managed to sell off most of our natural resources, privatize everything, and allow American military bases on our land—bases that even have the approval to conduct military actions toward... probably Russia.

Back in November 2024, when a far-right presidential candidate gained massive support and became a threat to the oligarchy, they canceled the elections. Yesterday, as he was on his way to announce his candidacy again, he was detained by these disgusting law enforcers…

Pretty much the same story as Trump’s impeachment. And today, the so-called justice system decided his lawyers can’t even access the case files. Some politicians openly admitted they’re just following orders from Brussels, and guess what? Brussels doesn’t like this guy.

It’s the same old game. The European Parliament votes on laws through their “paid puppets,” doing nothing but executing the orders of the elites. And by elites, I mean George Soros, Pfizer, and many other highly influential individuals and corporations. They don’t even try to hide it anymore…

What’s happening in Romania right now—and all across Europe—is unbelievable. We’ve been living under a constant state of crisis since COVID, and it never seems to end. The warmongers have no interest in stopping the war in Ukraine. If anything, they want Europe to get even more involved in this mess.

Meanwhile, the political parties in Germany that promised to stop illegal immigration once elected just admitted they won’t close the borders. Call me crazy, but this chaos we’re living in? It’s by design. It’s pure evil. And they’re not even hiding anymore…

Elections have become nothing but a formality—something they can redo as many times as needed until they get their desired result. The constitution? Just a piece of paper to them, meaningless. The backbone of Romania’s legislative system? Gone. We are living in complete madness. It’s like Orwell’s predictions are unfolding right now.

I never imagined I’d be living through times like these. I used to feel bad for Americans during the Biden administration, but now that Trump is back, it seems like America is a heaven compared to this shitshow. What a fuckery Europe has turned into...

You have no idea how pissed I am watching all of this unfold. And I can’t help but wonder—when will the masses finally wake up and stop complying? When will the police realize they don’t work for us but rather protect the crooks paying them with our public money?

It’s just so fucking sad… so, so sad…

Thanks for your attention,


Yes, I am appalled by what it going on in Romania and so is the Trump Administration.

I hope they start sanctioning the EU and Romanian officials involved in this complete destruction of democracy.


I don't know how much the sanctions work... Both Musk and Vance crticized what's happening and no one cares...


That is just words so far, but the US under Biden put personal sanctions on random Israelis, normal people, they didn't like because of where they lived.

Sanctions on EU and Romanian officials, judges etc like the ones the US put on ICC personnel will really clip the wings of these globalists.


Trebuie să spui cine sunt (((ei))) cine e (((sistemul)))...!) altfel j¹d@n11 🕎🕎🕎 vor rămâne în umbră și vor trage sforile în continuare.


it is terrible human are so wicked to each other, power is being taken by a few and justice is no where to be found. we talk about a Government for the people, but hardly will you find democracy anywhere.
