Reflectionz(with a Z)

My father is 63 years old and will be turning 64 in five days. Born during the era of communism, he spent most of his teenage years and early twenties under its influence. This certainly had an impact on him and his mentality. I can tell that...

Despite this, my father has always been a go-getter. At 58, he left Romania for Austria to improve his quality of life, and next year he will retire - quite an achievement. I admire his courage to take risks and try new things.

However, it's evident that he still holds dated views on certain matters. His reliance on the system is a clear indication of this. I've learned to avoid such dependence, believing that one can always find ways to circumvent obstacles. This mindset has helped me steer my life without waiting for government or political changes.


My interest in technology and experience in crypto (about seven years now) have played a significant role in shaping my outlook. In the past, I was against AI, but had I invested in related coins back in 2022 and educated myself more about the tech, I'd likely be better off financially today.

Recently, I watched an unsettling video of UberX drivers in Ontario, Canada. Local taxi drivers physically blocked one of the first Uber drivers, even smashing his car window. This old-fashioned mentality is concerning and reflects poorly on our species. Few individuals are genuinely excited about the future and willing to take risks for progress. Instead, many prefer to settle with what they have.

We've seen this reluctance play out in the world of cryptocurrency as well. Look back four years and see how institutions now investing in Bitcoin were dismissive at the time. The so-called "smart money" isn't always as smart as it claims, often lagging behind retail investors who managed to capitalize on crypto early on.

El Salvador's adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender three years ago is another example. Had other countries followed suit, like Russia with its recent crypto settlement law, the impact of sanctions imposed by the US and Europe would have been negligible.

It's astonishing how much influence a family can have over an individual, often unintentionally. Ultimately, it's up to each person to make their own choices. I'm grateful for my early entry into the world of crypto and technology - a path that has brought me freedom rather than confinement.

Tech, like any tool, can be used for good or ill. This post is dedicated to those seeking liberation despite the challenges presented by the establishment. Enjoy your Sunday and see you next time.

Thanks for your attention,
