On The Other Side



A little bit of rain never hurt anybody, did it? Well, I’m not particularly a fan, but it is what it is, and sometimes the best rainbows come after the worst storms you can endure. Today, all we had were a few raindrops here and there, but we still got a decent rainbow out of it.

I managed to snap a couple of photos before heading to the gym, and talking about rainbows—something in us is always on a constant search for them. For centuries, if not millennia, humanity has always chased or waited for a golden era.

A time when we all live in harmony, with no wars, envy, or hatred... Not going to happen. I was talking to my dad on the phone today, telling him the same thing. He's quite religious, and almost all religions make the same mistake, intentionally or not…

They make their believers think that at some point in the future (but not today), salvation will arrive. I don't buy that. I’m not religious, but I’m not an atheist either. I believe in math… Math is never wrong, and math doesn’t perform miracles.


Life is about overcoming challenges and finding your own way, instead of waiting for the perfect time, place, or other external factors to make you happy and content. There are probably other planets where beings have been living in perfect harmony for ages.

But that’s not going to happen on Earth, not as long as humans are running the show. It's like we’re built for conflict and chaos. Every once in a while, we need some kind of upheaval, and instead of waiting for the promised land to show up, we’re better off making lemonade from the lemons we get.

In my nearly four decades on this planet, I’ve seen so many people waiting and hoping for the next political class to make the world a better place. Instead, things just got more complicated, more divided, and the promised land remains as distant as an unreachable desert oasis.

For years, we’ve waited for crypto to go mainstream, to become the disruptive key to the global financial system. And all we got were damn ETFs…

Some will point fingers when the time comes for dumping on the market, blaming those who didn’t fall for the super cycle or the mass adoption thesis. But I’d rather enter the next bear market holding stables and a pile of cash, instead of hopes and dreams—and an empty stomach. I’ve done that for two cycles in a row already.


Not doing it anymore. I don’t believe in utopias, and I’m convinced that life on Earth was designed to be this way—blended with joy and adversity. Once we come to terms with that, we’ll stop waiting for golden ages and global fairness. We’ll take life as it is, chew it up, and spit out the bones.

No eternal rainbow in sight for me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate life and all that comes with it… I really do.

Thanks for your attention,


Indeed understanding that life is a

blend of joy and adversity

would save our heads a lot.
A great piece.
