

There are certain places on earth where cannibals still exist. Inside these tribes, eating human flesh is considered natural. While these "primitive" creatures may not indulge in such practices very often, and not necessarily out of hunger, the reality of cannibalism persists.

Cannibalism isn't solely about devouring human flesh; it can take many subjective forms, but the animal instinct behind it dates back to the ancient days of humanity.

As the crypto market hasn't been as generous as I hoped this summer, I had to look for extra means of income. With some experience in tourism, I decided to give it another shot in this industry. Bad move...


Not only did I suffer from sunburn after just a few hours of seeking potential clients for boat rides, but I also had to deal with low-character individuals.

It's not easy to paint a perfect picture of how this industry works, but I'll do my best. Basically, I ride my electric roller up and down the town's main alley, approaching tourists to come on a cruise with our company.

In this job, you encounter numerous rejections, and you have to come to terms with that. However, the main problem lies in the "cannibalism" between business owners and others. One instance, I brought a few tourists interested in a boat ride, and a competitor swooped in...

He made them an enticing offer, and in just three minutes, those tourists completely forgot about me. I had to start from scratch, searching for new potential customers. What a shitshow, you know...

No matter how we view our species (and @edicted recently touched on this brilliantly), the truth is that we're primitive and deeply rooted in our primal instincts—we're essentially cannibals. This attitude extends not only to individuals but also to companies.

We sell each other short, trading common sense for a few bucks too easily. But why? There's abundance in the world; there's plenty for everyone. However, certain nations feel they never have enough and invade others. Similarly, some individuals would devour others alive to fulfill their desires.

It's all an illusion, though. No matter how much we have, there's never enough. Hence, many of us engage in endless battles and competitions that lead us nowhere—literally nowhere...

We often complain about corrupt, ill-intentioned, and totalitarian politicians. Yet, let's not forget that most of these fuckers come from the masses. Apart from a few families dictating society's course for a long time, most politicians and key figures owe their positions to the masses.

Many of us who criticize politicians and bankers for their wrongdoings would likely act the same if in their positions. We often try to portray ourselves as civilized, superior human beings, but deep inside, we're nothing more than cannibals donning suits and fancy clothes

Thanks for your attention,

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Keep your head up and maintain your integrity and you will do way better than that other person with less ethics.


Word. I'll never trespass my principles


Awesome job that is extremely high ideals and that deserves a vote to support you.
