Breaking the Chains: Escaping the Grip of a Dumbfounded Society

"Society doesn't want you to be smart." This famous quote from Osho holds a lot of truth. Though I'm not a fan of Osho or any spiritual guru, the man had a point here. Society indeed doesn't want us to be smart... If it were otherwise, schools and social media would look radically different.

There's a saying in Buddhist tradition: "If a child is raised at the monastery by the age of seven, he will be a man of the monastery for his entire life." Now imagine children entering kindergarten at the age of three and leaving the education system by the age of 20 or even older.

There's a lot of indoctrination happening here. By indoctrination, I don't mean that we're taught to become cult members or anything of that sort, but rather we're trained to become clerks, public servants, and ultimately slaves of the system. Why does this happen? It's because this is the only way the system, as a centralized entity, can thrive.

If humans were schooled in leveraging their immense potential and guided toward building their own wealth, businesses, family shops, following their passions, and creative thinking, the system would collapse like a house of cards.


"Some of the current positions that humans have in the system will for sure be taken by AI in the not so distant future." Few see things for what they are, but the days of the traditional education system are numbered. The education system is rigged, and it will soon become obsolete.

During school, I learned grammar-related stuff that is of no use in my daily life. I know how to speak correctly without needing to know what tense of the present I'm using or whether "handsome" is an adjective or not. I simply do these things flawlessly. In math classes, I learned about logarithms, parabolas, and all sorts of things that I don't actually need in my daily life.

We have powerful computers that fit in the palm of our hands and our pockets. Why would we need to learn all that math? Truth is, we don't, and the painful reality is that kids nowadays are essentially taking the same classes we did 20 years ago. You can literally start a whole business from scratch with AI, yet they believe that pupils still need all that content?

The answer is no. So what should kids learn in school? Well, they should definitely learn how to read and write, basic math, a bit of geography and real history. They should have art classes if they have an inclination for that, basic agriculture so they can grow their own food, and definitely real financial education.

"I don't believe in the concept of trying to predict what the next couple of decades will be and learning as much as possible about that." I believe in learning to become flexible and adapt. If trading stocks was highly profitable for you until 2010 and you were good at it, why would you still be trading stocks in 2020 when crypto offers much more potential revenue if done right?


If you could navigate from Bucharest to Berlin using a map, why would you still do it when you have Google Maps? Even prostitutes adapted to technology. Instead of engaging physically for money, they simply entered video chat or platforms like OnlyFans and started making money without physical interaction.

"The educational system does not want us to be smart and independent; it wants us to become clerks, obedient workers, and slaves of the banking cartel." Ninety-nine percent of typical working individuals who are financially stable are in debt for buying things they don't actually need instead of taking debt for assets.

Very few have the mentality to take credit, buy a house, rent it out on booking or Airbnb while still renting their home, thereby gaining financial freedom with the house generating income for them. "Society does not want us smart." It wants us capable enough to fill paperwork and use the computer.

That is until AI takes these jobs too, and the majority end up on UBI, at the mercy of the banking cartel, which is behind almost everything in the world. Some of us are of a different breed though...

Thanks for your attention,
