AskLeo - What Would You Want to Say to Yourself in 3 Years?



I remember hustling for jobs back in my college years, and one of the most frequently asked questions, regardless of the position or company I was applying to, was this one: "where do you see yourself in three years from now"? Interesting question...

That was always my response because I never had a plan. I didn't excel in school, had basically no hobbies other than fishing as a kid, and never followed a career path. I grabbed whatever opportunities came my way and pulled them as hard as possible.

It was hard to envision myself anywhere back in those days. I had some vague notion of staying in the city where I graduated from college, working my way into a career, and perhaps starting a family, but circumstances didn't facilitate that.

Instead, I ended up wandering around the country and the continent for a few years after graduating. Now, about seven years later, I find myself living in the exact town I left for college. I still feel somewhat clueless and directionless, but not entirely.

Over the years, I've developed some certainties regarding hobbies, disciplines, and means of living. When I look into my eyes through a mirror three years from now, I want to thank myself for...

For what?

Well, for deciding to stick to the plan and continue my fitness journey, which not only would bring me health and overall good looks but also a change in behavior, habits, and way of thinking. For changing my diet and ditching junk food and processed foods forever.

I'll definitely thank myself for navigating the 2024 bull market the best way possible and achieving the long-desired financial freedom, and definitely for not quitting Hive, no matter the weak engagement and poor curation I sometimes receive on my posts. I'll definitely appreciate those decisions.

Three years from now, I'd definitely want to say to myself that I'm proud for keeping a close relationship with my parents, introducing my dad to the crypto world and investing in crypto, and for having patience with them in their elderly years.

I'll definitely say to myself that I made wise choices when I ditched all the negative people from my life, no matter how comfortable and "useful" such relationships were at some point, and for sticking with these 4-5 friends that I've had since forever, who have been close to me despite the distance that sets us apart.

Last but not least, I'll also say to myself that I'm not yet enough and that there's still plenty of room for improvement in almost any aspect of my life. The real hustle that we call living will only end when I die, and even then, I'm aware that death is not the ultimate frontier.

I'll be proud of myself three years from now. I'll have overcome past fears and failures, enjoyed my freedom, and stayed as bold as I always was in both written and vocal form. It can only get better, but it will never be perfect, no matter what you're aiming at perfecting.

Nevertheless, it's worth trying. This is how I'll end my self-talk in three years: "whether you've achieved it or not, it was worth trying... I'm happy for you..."

Thanks for your attention,


"you make it, you heal your soul, you are happy"


Nice. Don't forget to make a post on that in three years from now.


Three years from now ? I think I'd probably say to future-me "Crikey, you're still alive ? How did that happen ? Didn't old age, nuclear war, and bio-engineered diseases get the memo that it was time to cart you off ?" 😁


Wow! How motivated I am. This is a tale of discipline, hardwork and courage. Keep it up.


Hey! Man, you just shared some very useful success nuggets there. And I've taken mine. Thanks a lot.


Hell yeah brother, lets keep improving on our physique and finance.

