Innocence of a kid

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Hey everyone. I hope you all are fine. This is my entry to the #monomad challenge. I took some time to take some pictures of my very own cousin Mahnoor.

This time the model is a kid 😂. I just love this kid so much. She has innocent eyes and her persona is just so wholesome. I love cuddling her and she wraps her tiny arms around my neck and calls me Bhau(Big Brother). Her squishy cheeks are just so adorable.

Yesterday, we were standing on the rooftop of our house and I told her to stand and smile. All I could see was her miraculous tiny eyes. I spend time with her and it makes me feel light headed and happy. Isn't it something that we all should do? Do you spend time with the kids around you? I believe it keeps the kid within us alive.

I wanted to name this blog as Keeping the kid in me alive, but this one seems more suitable because Mahnoor is just so cute.

This is why I like black and white photography. It brings out the best; the attributes that colors cannot bring out. Her sheer innocence is visible because of the monochromes.

She wasn't smiling at first. Than I bribed her with a chocolate. I like this quality of kids that making them happy isn't that much of a difficult task. We adults should also behave in a much similar way.

I took these pictures when the sun was up. It helped me in setting a standard exposure and right camera angle. I am still learning and these are all taken from a cellphone. I would love to learn from you all majestic photographers with your insights and experiences.

Thank you for your time and support. It means a lot to me. So share your thoughts and views about my photography, so that I can improve.

PS: The pictures are mine taken with my Google pixel at my house.
