Clearing stuff out from my old childhood bedroom
Treasure Trove
I called to my parents house last week and they weren't in. My kids were with me and asked if they could see my old room, and so we popped upstairs in my parents house and had a look, we uncovered some interesting bits and pieces.
Old photos, sticker books, mementos and old equipment.
Over the next few weeks, I'll show you some of these finds.
We'll start today with this old unique sticker book. I loved collecting stickers as a child and my own boys inherited that as they all collect football cards, pokemon cards and the like.
It's quite nostalgic looking back at this mish mash of stickers from soccer to GAA, from wrestling to crash test dummies, from Jurassic park to Terminator.
Right then, lets have a little look.
Any wrestling dans from the 1990s, feast your eyes on these bad boys!
Next we have Jurassic Park, a classic movie from 1993 and of course there were stickers to collect and of course I collected them!
Terminator 2 was another 1990s classic and you guessed it there were stickers to collect and I was all over it.
This next batch are among my favourites and i collected all 30 of them. These bring me back, as you got a sticker free with a certain pack of sweets. Great nostalgia of my friends and I going to the local shop with our few pence to buy more sweets to see could we complete the collection and they were funny too.
I'm glad I made this homemade sticker book for the random stickers, as they would have eventually been binned otherwise.
The majority of the rest are sports stickers, take a look and see how many names you recognise who are now managers, pundits, actors. People like Ian Wright, Vinny Jones, Mark Hughes to name a few.
Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.
Peace Out
That's awesome. It's great that your folks saved the book. I remember I stuck garbage pail kid stickers all over my bed and dresser. My folks got angry and ripped them all off. I should have been a smarter kid and put them in a sticker book (or just saved the cards instead of peeling the stickers off).
Ya the sticker book was for all of my random stickers, I have other football sticker albums that I completed that I saved too, maybe some day they will be valuable?
Classic! My mom usually gives me a pile of stuff to take home each time I go to visit them.
Haha, ya I have 5 sisters and two brothers, so my poor parents still have lots of our stuff there, little by little we are all getting rid of stuff to free it up for them.
As I live far from my parents where most of my things from childhood are, when I go there (usually once per year), I like to do what you have done! Dive into that old stuff from childhood, comics mostly, but also photo albums, those soccer albums (my first one was from Mexico in 1986... lol), etc. 😃
Thanks for reminding me of the good, old days! :)
Nice one dude, it's pretty cool looking back on the old stuff, and always hard to believe how much time has passed since they were part of the present. Times flies when you're having fun eh. I will have a few more of these nostalgic posts coming in the coming days and weeks..
I should put a reminder to take photos when I go to my parents this summer.. and prepare material for these kind of posts... :)
Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels...
These are the only three that I know...
Never was a big wrestling fan😂😂
My friends were really big into it, but I was not really to be honest. I preferred real actual sports, not this fake stuff..
Thank God I'm not the only one who sees it as fake...