The Least Expected Convo


“Of all the things in the world, this is what you chose to be? Aren’t you scared?”

“No, I’m not. I think it’s fascinating to be able to find out what killed somebody. Don’t you think so?”

“No I don’t”

“Well, I do. I lost my little brother and up till now we never know what happened to him. I feel like there’s some satisfaction that comes with knowing what killed somebody”


“Okay not exactly satisfaction, but I mean if you know what killed someone then you are one step closer to saving another person”

“Okay, that makes sense”

“Yeah, but I had no plans of being a pathologist when I was in medical school than to talk about doing autopsy”

“Oh really, so your little brother’s death ignited this passion?”

“Yeah, it did”

“Awww such a sweet big sister. What’s the worst thing that killed somebody?”

“Worst thing?”

“Yeah I mean worse cause of death you’ve ever found after doing autopsy”

“Oh I don’t think I would say worse but maybe funny”


“Hangover death. Someone dying after drinking so much alcohol and being dehydrated”

“I don’t think that’s funny”

“Oh as a medic, it is. It’s common sense to stay hydrated whiles drinking”

“Anyway, you said you had no plans of becoming a pathologist so what did you want to be growing up?”

“Oh I wanted to be a pilot”

“Ohhh that’s fancy. You wanted to travel the world huh?”

“More like that, but most importantly I wanted to make my mom proud”

“Oh mummy’s girl?”

“Yeah, she said she admired female pilots. I just wanted to make her smile”

“I see”

“Yeah, I still managed to make her smile with being a doctor. Not bad”

“Of course, it’s every mother’s dream to have a doctor child. You know I’ve always wondered why a woman would do post mortem. That’s why I asked if you were not scared”

“Oh I get that a lot. Most of my colleagues are men. Or should I say all of them are men. I’m the only female”

“That’s so impressive”

“Thank you”

“Does it pay well?”

“Ehhh, it’s alright”

“Haha, that’s what most doctors say. Anyway, do you drink?”

“No, why?”

“I heard post mortem doctors drink before the post mortem session because of what they see”

“No I don’t drink and I don’t see the science behind drinking to do post mortem. You might end up with the wrong information. Don’t you think?”

“Yeah I agree but…”

“Wait, now that I think of it. It could be true. Well that’s a story for another day. Why are you asking so many questions today? You’re always quiet”

“Me? It’s my first time being here”

“What do you mean it’s your first time?”, I turned left to look at my assistant but he was nowhere to be found.

“Your assistant left a while ago to get something so I figured why not keep you company”

With my gloves filling with sweat and autopsy tools shivering in my hands, I turned back to see the corpse I was working on wearing a big smile looking at me.

“Hiiiii doc”

Ohhhh my??!!! I fainted.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I have no words. I really have no words Abenad. God abeg… 🤣🤣🤣


I would faint too.😂
But come to think of it, you now have one mysterious story to tell.



😂😂😂😂 yeah a very mysterious one


Okay, now that is scary.

Lol, talking to a corpse?

Oh my God! E reach to faint because what the hell....?

Nice but weird story. I love the way you conned it.


You should have been strong and not give up on the talking corpse,
You never can tell what information he has for you ,
Do better next time doc


Lmfaoooo 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 even I was scared getting to the ending part 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
