Acid Junk de Novabirra para #beersaturday (Esp-Eng)


Esta semana os muestro una cerveza atípica en el #beersaturday. Se trata de la Acid junk de los belgas de Novabirra. Una cervecera que realmente no conocía y que tendré que seguir de cerca, me han sorprendido su calidad y sobre todo su bajo precio.

Cerveza: Acid Junk
Cervecera: Novabirra (Braine . L´Alleud, Bélgica)
Estilo: SOUR India Pale Ale
Alcohol: 4.5º
Lúpulo: Americano, pero no logro identificarlo.
IBI: 10
Formato: Botella de 33 cl

En un país con tanta tradición cervecera como es Bélgica, donde los estilos clásicos cono las Doubble o Trippel, golden ale, Blonde... Así como las famosas cervezas Gueuze o Lámbicas, que llegan prácticamente a ser religión, es muy raro encontrar una IPA, pero una SOUR IPA, es la primera vez que la veo.

La cerveza está muy bien hecha, mezcla perfecta de la acidez que aportan las SOUR y los sabores cítricos de la fruta. Muy fácil de beber, con poca graduación alcohólica y realmente refrescante. Eso sí, el lúpulo no lo encuentro por ninguna parte. O bien lleva poca cantidad, o realmente los otros sabores se imponen. Es por ello, que más bien la cerveza es una SOUR.

This week I show you an atypical beer on #beersaturday. This is the Acid junk of the Belgians from Novabirra. A brewery that I really didn't know and that I will have to follow closely, I was surprised by its quality and especially its low price.

Beer: Acid Junk
Brewery: Novabirra (Braine. L´Alleud, Belgium)
Style: SOUR India Pale Ale
Alcohol: 4.5º
Hops: American, but I can't identify it.
IBI: 10
Format: 33 cl bottle

In a country with as much beer tradition as Belgium, where classic styles such as Doubble or Trippel, golden ale, Blonde... As well as the famous Gueuze or Lambica beers, which practically become a religion, it is very rare to find an IPA , but a SOUR IPA, it's the first time I've seen it.

The beer is very well made, a perfect mix of the acidity provided by the SOUR and the citrus flavors of the fruit. Very easy to drink, with little alcohol content and really refreshing. Of course, I can't find the hops anywhere. Either it has a small amount, or the other flavors really take over. That is why beer is more of a SOUR.



Like you said, I don't think of IPA or sour when I think of belguim. I think of trappist and the cradle of beer.

I would definitely grab this of the shelf here to sample and share for #beersaturday. I like a good sour and love a good IPA but think they get in each others way when the beer is a sour IPA. Seems the sour trumps the IPA in this one so why not just make it a Sour?

Anyhow, delicious looking and I definitely would toast one of these with you.


The beer is good. It's a SOUR with a little hops. But acid is very difficult to tame.


You spoke so highly of the beer..
4.5% alcoholic content?
That's great.
