Hisoka: The perversion of the human being (ENG)(ESP)
presenta a los placeres intelectuales encontrando ahí un equilibrio para que ambos caballos halen la carreta a la vez. Para el psicoanálisis es una realidad actual dominante, pero despojada de su insinuación despectiva. El concepto utilizado por Sigmund Freud le dio un nuevo sentido, explicando que se trata de una desviación o cambio del objeto y la meta sexual respecto a la norma establecida. For psychoanalysis, it is a dominant current reality but stripped of its derogatory insinuation. The concept used by Sigmund Freud gave it a new meaning, explaining that it is a deviation or change of the sexual object and goal concerning the established norm. Hablar de perversión no solo es hablar de lo sexual, sino de la ley, es como el sujeto conoce y entiende la ley, como se manifiesta y se incluye dentro de esta, pero a la vez como por voluntad propia la desafía y destruye para alcanzar sus anhelos. Ya que los actos humanos son valorados desde la perspectiva social vigente, por esto cada cultura tiene una visión diferente sobre que constituye un acto perverso a o no. To speak of perversion is not only to speak of the sexual, but of the law, it is how the subject knows and understands the law, how he manifests himself and is included within it, but at the same time how by his own will he defies and destroys it to achieve his desires. Since human acts are valued from the current social perspective, each culture has a different vision of what constitutes a perverse act or not. —Conclusiones -Conclusions
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Hisoka de forma consiente da rienda suelta al caballo negro sin ningún control moral o responsabilidad incluso de su propia vida, esto lo podemos ver en su pelea contra Kurolo Lucifer. Solo utiliza al caballo blanco para poder llevar más lejos la carreta dirigida por el caballo negro.
Este término lo propone retirando sugerencias ofensivas o juicios valorativos. Sin embargo, lo que fundamentalmente caracteriza al sujeto con una estructura perversa es que él tiene una certeza sobre su goce, es decir que él sabe muy bien cómo, dónde y con qué o quién puede alcanzar la satisfacción sexual.
Como podemos ver estos conceptos identifican ampliamente a Hisoka. Su manera de proceder con nuestros protagonistas y el resto de personajes, nos muestran con exactitud cuáles son sus intereses, aunque no es infalible su selección de presas ya que Netero se encontraba en un nivel que escapaba a su comprensión. Un caso que es distinguido es el que Mashi con la que tiene un trato diferente se podría decir que en su retorcida mente si deseará realizar el coito ella sería la indicada, y con quien desea tener lasos emocionales a largo plazo, para él mientras más tóxicos mejor.
He proposes this term by withdrawing offensive suggestions or value judgments. However, what fundamentally characterizes the subject with a perverse structure is that he has a certainty about his jouissance, i.e. he knows very well how, where, and with what or with whom he can achieve sexual satisfaction.
As we can see, these concepts largely identify Hisoka. His way of proceeding with our protagonists and the rest of the characters shows us exactly what his interests are, although his selection of prey is not infallible since Netero was at a level beyond his comprehension. A distinguished case is that of Mashi with whom he has a different treatment, it could be said that in his twisted mind if he wishes to have coitus she would be the indicated one, and with whom he wishes to have long-term emotional ties, for him the more toxic the better.
Este es un rasgo con el que en mayor o menor medida cargamos los humanos y requiere un esfuerzo casi sobre humano mantener estos impulsos bajo control durante dota nuestra vida. Aun así, si tomáramos la decisión de entregarnos ante este, nos encontraríamos viciados ante los placeres carnales instantáneos, imposibilitando el desarrollo de nuestra psiquis para con la sociedad y nosotros mismos.
Hisoka vive bajo sus propias reglas y condiciones, es su mente él es libre de hacer y deshacer en un mundo donde lo más importante es el poder. Él es un mentiroso compulsivo, un manipulador cruel y sin escrúpulos que utiliza las leyes de la sociedad para magnificar el placer que siente al romperlas, ejerciendo su dominio sobre sus presas como si se trataran de frutos que debe consumir solo cuando estime conveniente.
This is a trait that we humans carry to a greater or lesser extent and it requires an almost superhuman effort to keep these impulses under control during our lives. Even so, if we were to decide to surrender to it, we would find ourselves addicted to instant carnal pleasures, making it impossible to develop our psyche towards society and ourselves.
Hisoka lives under his own rules and conditions, in his mind he is free to do and undo in a world where the most important thing is power. He is a compulsive liar, a cruel and unscrupulous manipulator who uses the laws of society to magnify the pleasure he feels when breaking them, exercising his dominion over his prey as if they were fruits to be consumed only when he deems convenient.
Hisoka a muchos nos parece un personaje extremadamente atractivo porque representa esa bestia que todos llevamos dentro pero que reprimimos debido a nuestra moralidad. Cada absurda decisión, sus retorcidos métodos y como es capaz de mover el mundo para saciar su hambre de placeres físicos son un reflejo de lo más primitivo de nuestro ser.
Hisoka seems to many of us an extremely attractive character because he represents that beast that we all carry inside but that we repress due to our morality. Each absurd decision, his twisted methods, and how he can move the world to satisfy his hunger for physical pleasures are a reflection of the most primitive part of our being.
He's basically one of the most unconventional characters I've known. The fact that he is really an unpredictable character is one of the reasons why I'm fascinated with him. He's also a very selfish one, and he doesn't like being the underdog in any battle he enters. The way he was enraged when the spiders united against him in his fight with Chrollo, I think he doesn't like being the helpless one in battle (that's why he doesn't challenge those people who he thinks he can't defeat—Netero). As for Machi, I don't really understand what he really felt for her. I mean, he could really kill her at that time (after he revived himself), but for some reason he didn't. Maybe he was kinda really attracted to her (?). Well, no one really knows what he will do next.
(I really laughed when I read the coitus part, ahahaha I remembered our dear expelled instructor who really gave us a hard time in understanding ourselves way back then)
Netero's scene is excellent, well most of his scenes are, I will dedicate something to it. The interesting thing is that it plays with the viewer at that moment I think almost all of us thought that Hisoka could kill Netero easily, the weird old man seemed harmless and I think Hisoka noticed that this old man was not normal because his aura never changed having him in front of him. In Machi's case, I think that the way to express attraction beyond the carnal is suffering.
ahahaha Hisoka is a great villain that adorns the hunter x hunter universe, I got to see the anime and that desire for children is something that remained for decades 😂 because I think that now it would be very difficult for a character with that specific characteristic to survive the political correctness of the current American, I just say it because of the image that you placed of him that is one of the most iconic 🤣
Too many idiot people these days, many look like glass. The good thing is that I think at least things are getting a little better for a change.
Demasiadas personas idiotas en estos últimos tiempos, muchos parecen de cristal. Lo bueno es que creo que al menos las cosas están mejorando un poco para variar.
Without Hisoka HxH would not be the same, every time he shows up you know something crazy, hilarious and creepy is going to happen. He is among my favorite villain protagonists.