Gratitude 🙏


Many times some people do think i am stingy or maybe i got some kind of crazy attitude in me. To some other people I am the jovial and friendly type. But as for me, I don't care what people think about who I am. I am always myself and I do what's best for myself. At the end of it all nobody cares.

Though there are instances when we get indebted to some people in life, there are instances when we have to pay back for some of the help rendered to us, there are times when we have to give back to others. But all of these cannot come to pass if you are not well stable and balanced yourself.

Dad has always told us individually and together that we should always try all our best to remain grateful and appreciative of whatever people have done for us. That's really a good one and I have made sure I stick to that ever since. There are times when I know that I don't even have a means of repaying the kindness I received from others. But i have it in mind to do so.

Gratitude is one way of showing others how much you appreciate their efforts. Many times the things we get might not even be worth appreciating, but the moment you appreciate it with all your heart then there is this energy that comes from it that would even make the person be willing to do more, since they knew you will always remain appreciative.

God who created us all wants us to be appreciative of all his grace and mercy over us. We would always continue to appreciate and remain grateful, and there is little or no way of paying back what he has done for us other than being grateful. Should we talk about the grace of living?, or about sustainability?, or health?? Many more reasons to remain grateful.

There was a time I attended a quiz competition, then questions were thrown to the audience. A lady from the back stood up to answer the question and she got it right. So the questionnaire was so pleased with her response then called her forward to give her a gift. After she received the gift she went straight on her knee to appreciate it saying “Thank you sir”

After seeing all her demonstrations, the questioner called her again to gift her something bigger, she appreciated better with a full smile on her face. He called her again to give her other things. She kept on appreciating and at the end she went home with a lot of gifts. That was the result of her being grateful.

Some people are just like that, always grateful. I have also learnt to be grateful for everything that comes my way. Good or bad, I try to see the positives in them and remain grateful. Gratitude never fades.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 123 Edition 1 and the topic to be discussed is YOUR MORAL CODE

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Showing gratitude is very important. When you give thanks, the giver will always feel the urge to give more


I'm equally impressed by the lady who answered the question. She was appreciative and had blessings in multiples. A life of gratitude always births more reasons to be grateful. Thank you for sharing.


Yeah. I am also grateful for having you stop by to read my content. Well appreciated sir


Like they say appreciation is an application for more. the lady truly shows how grateful she was and truly it paid her.


"Thank you" is a magic word. Sometimes we can be grateful and not expect anything in return, saying thank you for the littlest thing – after the waiter brings your food, the security man opens the gate for you, etc.
