Metal musician character 02.

Hello, guys, it's me, again the last few weeks I've been in pretty bad health, in my town I was getting one of those flus that are very annoying, and at least the flu is going away. Well, I continue with the theme of creating characters, a good way to practice drawing, creating faces of fictional characters, I am still looking to find a characteristic style that identifies me, I will always try to change the way I do my drawings, it is a necessity It is important for me to experience the various sensations and atmospheres that drawing gives us.
Well, I wanted to play a metal musician for the character, someone serious and committed to his music. There is a lot of discrimination against these people. People who discriminate against others are closed-minded, they don't think that a person who loves metal or is a musician of this aggressive and countercultural genre has problems like everyone else. Metalheads are like everyone else just having a taste you don't share doesn't make them any less human.
Metal is very aggressive, it contains direct lyrics, nothing disguised, it talks directly about social and economic problems and various conflicts that people don't like to see. The genre of metal has a great social function because it shares and makes visible problems in social systems and comes to make a healthy way to solve problems related to anger. When making this drawing I started with the idea of doing something semi realistic, but I started to experiment with something of the comic style of drawing, removing some of the features, of a skull with correct anatomy. This character reminds me of the guitarist from the band opeth, I don't know, what do you think? Write me in the comments, I really like to read the comments that leave me

