This Game Getting On My Nerves Already [Tomb Raider I-III Remastered]
The classic Tomb Raider games I-III got a remaster. I am starting with Tomb Raider I.
I have never really been able to play the class games because I didn't have a memory card. One death and I would have to start the game over. The enemies will surprise you in this game.
This is a remaster from the classic Tomb Raider games that came out when I was young/before I was born. These games originally came out on the classic PS1 and got a remaster for current-gen consoles/computers
This is my first time playing so this is gonna be a hard game, at least for me
I have played this game in my childhood and I didn’t know how to play it. I really feel tears in my eyes whenever I see this game. Because it brings back soo many memories.
I couldn't play it due to not having a memory card. Meaning if I died I had to start over from the beginning
That's sad. Maybe you should have done a no death speedrun...haha
I suck at the game, a deep fall or trap I was unaware of? dead.
I like the part where you died by drowning just inches from the surface of the water.
I hear you getting frustrated with the controls frequently... you are fortunate to not have played it on original PS1 because as bad as the controls are in the remaster, they were MUCH worse in the original. Getting stuck in corners and zombie running on an invisible barrier was just commonplace back then. I guess we didn't complain much because we didn't really have anything else to compare it to since it was so revolutionary at the time.
The game added modern controls and the OG ones. For the OG I couldn't control Lara properly. However, I controlled her easier on the Dpad. I may try the OG controls the next time I play.