Learn Fron My Mistake



The biggest mistake I made and it's why I started struggling, was not putting the money I made on these sites away. In 2021, the SBD price was at 7 dollars. I saved 90 SBD.
I ran low on my benefits, turned in the rewards from Steemit, and made almost 400.
My mistake was not putting money away in my savings.
I could have put away 100 dollars for each trade
then when things picked up on Hive put something away

When Coinbase notified me that I had to report my earnings on my taxes, Steemit started giving Steem which caused a huge loss due to Steem's price being lower. The entire time, I could have bought SBD with my Steem and traded on Ionomy (this was before it stopped issuing people's coins)

had I put away 100 dollars for each trade, when I had to give my grandma 125 dollars for the heating system, I would have had that to give her which would have allowed me to stretch my benefits, thus allowing more time for my rewards

Also when I saw how high Ion's fees were, I should have made a post asking folks for a better alternative, someone would have mentioned SimpleSwap
Ion's fees added to my struggle. If I made 60 bucks and the fees took away 40.

I did try to get other platforms monetized, but bouts when my views were lower than usual added to the challenge. Also due to not having a big following, I couldn't get Kofi/Patreon supporters. Patreon allows me to offer exclusive benefits.
Then my earnings started dipping on here and I couldn't figure out why.
Hive Watchers came after me because they thought I used other accounts of mine to upvote my posts when this was my only account. Maybe telling people this is the only account I have on Hive could have worked. It's possible, folks thought I was using bots/alternative accounts to vote for myself and stopped supporting me.

This is why you need to communicate and ask if I'm aware. I can't address what I don't know. Had someone pointed out that the accounts voting for me were fake, I could have made a post letting people know I have no association with/ the accounts.

Now that I know I need to be prepared. And I was not prepared for the earning dips.
Now that Ionomoy is a scam ( or maybe it's been all along and I didn't have issues until recently) I have to convert my blurt coins to Hive and I am using Simple Swap.
I also saw on Hive Engine I had coins I suppose were from communities that I posted in on Hive. I can trade those for Hive as well. It's a game changer.

It may not be big money, but it's around the amount I got in upvotes before my
earnings dipped/price changed. In case the price affects what people give you with their votes.

If I get back to what I was getting before, I will put money away for each exchange. Even its 30 dollars and I can do 2 trades, that's 60 that I saved
then 90 then 120 etc

I may have "retired" (I mean I will make videos for threespeak once in a blue moon, occasional blog posts for hive) I can promote my twitch, Tiktok etc via Peaked/Dbuzz to get more eyes on other socials in case you get sick of hive


Well, I have no experience in monetizing anything on web2 so I can't judge or guide you on these issues. But at Hive the shadow of the police was always present. Right here in the FC community we already hear interventions from Hive Watchers, and to avoid setbacks I think we should all clearly keep our accounts outside of web3, link our profiles and stay here with a single account.

I never liked multi-accounting, but now that it can involve gains and losses, I think it's very prudent to avoid it.

And we continue to grow little by little, I'm not going to give up!


what is web 3?
I only have one account. HW assumed I owned multiple accounts rather than communicating before hand


Web 3.0 represents the next phase in the evolution of the web/internet and can potentially be very innovative as it represents a paradigm shift as big as the current version (Web 2.0). Version 3.0 is built on the core concepts of decentralization, openness and greater user agency.

Imagine that FACEBOOK has a building with offices and computers. Everything centralized, this is web2!

HIVE does not have this, as everything is distributed in a decentralized way. You are on web3!


I have just one account and not ready to create another, managing one account is not easy for me let alone two accounts
Thanks for sharing, it will help one to be on guard.


I have other profiles on other sites
like one account on Steemit etc
Other than that, I have one account on Hive, one on Steemit etc


I guess each of us have made mistakes at some point in life that's part of life. The best part of it is to learn from them, which you have now and I hope things work out well for you in the future.

When I joined Hive and started earning, I immediately went into HBD saving and it's been adding up.



"Mistakes" maybe. Maybe mis-takes for the taking. On the brighter side it sounds like you learning and thinking about a better plan and way of doing things. This is great to hear. Wish you your best in your savings and better management leading to more enjoyment. Feels good man.
