I Got Hate For No Reason On Tiktok

I got hate on TikTok for simply telling people to just block me if my existence bothers them that much.

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I got hate for no reason on TikTok. Social media AI works by feeding you content based on what you engage with. If these people despise me and my content, why are they engaging, why are you filling your timeline with content you don't like? So I made a video explaining on TikTok that your comments, watches, shares to shade me, etc will just tell the platform you want that content and you may see more of my content or a creator similar to me. The next day, a person decided to attack my appearance by saying I look like a Chowder character. Chowder is a cartoon that airs/aired on Cartoon Network. I am unsure what streaming services it’s on.

I watched Chower maybe a few times back in 2008.

I made a video response to them. You are entitled to not like a particular aspect of the content. It's NOT ok making fun of people's appearances because of it. If it's something I can fix, whatever. I can't change my appearance. what do you want me to do, get plastic surgery? Then more hate kept pouring in on the video replies.

You are entitled to not be fond of a creator or their content. I am not fond of Pewdiepie, however, I won’t go out of my way to harass him when no one is forcing me to watch his content. If he made a mistake explaining, I’d correct him. I

f he chooses to be a dick, THEN I’d hop on the hate train.

One person told me, for no reason, I’m going to hell. I made a video reply and they got it taken down for “harassment and bullying.” I appealed and I lost the appeal, causing me to get a strike. These assholes can dish it out but can’t take it. How is it my fault you’re engaging with the content you don’t like? It’s not. The platform suggests content based on what you’re already watching, searching, commenting on, sharing, etc.

My guess it maybe I explained wrong and they thought I did it intentionally. I want to point out that when you film through TikTok, the max they give you is 3 mins. I won’t have time for a deep dive vs making a full Youtube video. I wish people understand content creators are human and will make mistakes. information can come out before you’re even aware. Just because Tom posted about it does NOT mean I will see it right when he posted it. The video could have been published before you saw an article, video, podcast, etc about new info. So take the missing submarine news. I can make a video about when it originally disappeared, about the search, the audio came out that people presumed was the crew signaling Morse code (an SOS signal.), etc Right. So Up until that is what I saw. I record, edit, and so on. AFTER the video was uploaded, I found a video that the ship did implode. it would be stupid to send me hate simply because I reported on the info I knew/saw at the time instead of just saying “Hey the ship imploded, so and so confirmed an hour ago”

And sending me hate for being wrong about a social media app, A SOCIAL MEDIA APP. If it was misinformation about COVID-19, I can see it. But a daily clock app platform?

I felt it was not safe to call out bullies on the site without them reporting you, so I decided to turn off comments across my profile (before knowing to disable comments on a video after it’s been posted, go on the desktop, go to that video, and disable comments.) If the trolls can’t comment, no need to call them and potentially get reported.

I believe I was reported because I made a video about an exploit on Roblox that made your avatar say things that break Roblox’s TOS and some people got temp bans and others perma bans, Tiktok took it down upon upload for breaking their TOS. I appealed, the appeal took a few hours and they said “Oops we made a mistake.”

Then that wuss reported my video, the appeal came back too fast for a human to have looked at it properly.

I will have to start blocking them before they can report my video. Or set the privacy to where only friends can see it.

The world would be a better place if people weren't so damn hateful. It makes zero sense. Especially when the creator made a pretty common mistake.

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This was published in my Substack. Substack allows me to post blogging content sent right to your email without having to rely on social media algorithms to see my posts

This is a blog version of my Threespeak video

My substack

Note, my blog earnings are down so I may have to post more to figure out what content people like or what I'm doing wrong. Unless you tell me, I will have no idea I did/said something wrong
